Shortage of vaccines and hygiene bags warns pharmacies

Ourense pharmacies notified lack of two plumbing products on their shelves: children’s vaccines and colostomy bags.

Rotatek is a childhood vaccine that prevents rotavirus disease. one of the main causes of severe gastroenteritis in infants and young children. Although the use of this medicine is voluntary and therefore not covered by social security, the Galician health system recommends it. “Any vaccine is always recommended,” indicate official sources from the pharmaceutical sector.

“When shortages become persistent, the Ministry of Health is notified. At the moment, the list is huge“, says the Milenio pharmacy. This location is one of those that confirms the lack of supply of this vaccine. “The warehouse staff have contacted the laboratory and believe that it will be returned in July, but it may take longer.” This service shortage adds to the list of drugs facing supply problems. prepared by the Spanish Agency for Medicines and Health Products (AEMPS), which currently consists of more than 865 presentations of medicines.

Thus, the pharmacies surveyed indicated that there is another therapeutic alternative: Rotarix. “Children who have not started on Rotatec can start with Rotarix, but if there is a shortage of one drug and it is diverted to another, this can lead to a shortage of both,” Pharmacia Milenio points out. For its part, the pharmacy of Monica Iglesias states that “This supply shortage is covered by other laboratories and is not a cause for concern.” Opinion of official sources in the industry.

Lack of colostomy bags.

Pharmacies also note the absence of another product for patients with colon and prostate cancer: colostomy and urostomy bags. “Patients who suffer from these pathologies and need these products for bowel movements cannot find these bags in any pharmacy,” complains Monica Iglesias at the pharmacy.

The pharmacist indicates that “this difficulty has been observed for a year” and indicates that “It is very sad to see people who have nowhere to relieve themselves. due to the lack of this type of bags.”

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