Number one in Google, Meta, Apple and OpenAI: Who are the super tech executives Xavier Miley will meet in the US

Tim Cook, Mark Zuckerberg, Sam Altman and Sundar Pichai

chairman Xavier Miley Will meet officials of leading technology companies of the United States in San Francisco.

Evaluation of four tech giants, whose number 1 will be met by the President Xavier Mileyis about 4 trillion dollars. These are Google, Meta, Open AI and Apple.

With the dissemination of the official agenda, a new meeting of the President Elon Musk, the genius behind it all Tesla, SpaceX and X. Earlier this month, after their second meeting, Musk recommended “investing in Argentina.”

Miley and the tycoon came together at the Global Investor Summit in Los Angeles, where Miley arrived as an invited keynote speaker. The Milken Institute. This was their second meeting in less than a month; the previous one was on April 12 at the Tesla plant in Austin, Texas. Will they see each other again? It hasn’t been completely ruled out.

The first meeting will be on Tuesday night Sam Altman CEO OpenAI, tech entrepreneur and the mind behind ChatGPT has a net worth of $2 billion and a portfolio of over 64 investments, including Reddit, Stripe, Humane, Worldcoin, and other major companies.

Altman showed an innate interest in technology from a very young age. “I don’t remember ever having any interest in technology,” he confessed in a recent interview. attitude magazineremember how His first contact with computers decisively shaped his youth.

In a recent exhibition titled “The possibilities of AIin (Potential of AI) Stanford eCorner, Altman He was “optimistic, excited and curious” about the future of AI. “It probably is The best time to start a business Given the advances in artificial intelligence since the advent of the internet,” he said. Founder of OpenAI He revealed that if he were a student today, he would devote himself to AI research in the industry, given the need for large computing capacity.

In addition, he predicted that the new ChatGPT5, which is not yet available, will be “Really good, physically betterin comparison to its predecessor, which he had previously described as “kind of useless”.

Sam Altman, CEO of OpenAI (Reuters/Denis Balibouse)

Will meet with the President on Wednesday Sundar Pichai, CEO of GooglePichai’s childhood and education took place in a simple apartment Chennaiin India, are part of his biography. He was born 10 June 1972 (currently 51 years old) He lived with his parents in a two bedroom apartment He and his brother slept together in the living room., Sometimes straight to the floor. In his free time, he played Cricket and to Football. His father, who owned an estate Electrical components factory.

He received his degree as an engineer. Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur (IIT Kharagpur). He won scholarships to study at Stanford University and in Whartonin the United States, and always remembers the tremendous effort his family made so that he could make his first trip: the cost of a ticket to the United States exceeded his father’s annual salary.

I’m going through Applied Materials And McKinsey & Company and joined Google in 2004. Under his leadership, major products such as Google Chrome, Chrome OSAnd Google Drive. These are among the most important works that Pichai is credited with. He also led projects such as Gmail And Google Map. Also, he was a pillar in integration and development Android After taking over the command in 2013.

The stock is up more than 400% since Pichai became Google CEO in 2015, according to Bloomberg Line, significantly outperforming the S&P 500 (SPY) and Nasdaq (NDAQ) over the same period.

Last week, Karan Bhatia Google’s global director of government affairs and public policy said in an interview with Newsroom infobae “Argentina is an important market for Google. We are very pleased with our progress here. We have been in Argentina for more than 17 years and the company is only 25 years old, so we have been here for a long time. And we are very committed to the country and its development.”

“We see it invested in several areas; first of all, in infrastructure; that’s why we are investing in submarine cables that allow connecting the Internet between Argentina and the rest of the world. And the biggest novelty in this sense is a new cable, Firmina, that we have just installed and that will greatly increase connectivity between Argentina, the United States and the rest of the world. We continue to invest in new products in the market, especially in products created and enabled by artificial intelligence, with incredible changes that are going to reach industry and society. And, finally, we will continue to invest in the training and education of the Argentine people,” Bathia said.

Sundar Pichai, CEO of Google and Alphabet (Reuters/Gonzalo Fuentes)

Apart from this, Miley will meet Apple CEO on Wednesday. Tim Cook, The executive who accomplished the challenging mission of replacing Steve Jobs, the creator and alma mater of the Apple company.

During his management, important developments have been initiated, such as Apple Watch, Apple Silicon chips and Apple Vision ProCook has also been a proponent of user privacy, Focusing on strengthening consumer data protection and taking a strong stance in the public debate about digital privacy and security.

Before joining Apple, he worked at IBM for 12 years, where he specialized in the personal computer manufacturing and distribution sector. In 1998, he joined the company after an interview with Steve Jobs, who managed to convince him to be part of the team even though Apple was going through severe financial crisis.

he is an industrial engineer Graduated from Auburn University and earned an MBA from Duke University, where he was named a Fuqua Scholar, an honor reserved for students who graduate in the top 10% of their class. In 2014, He became the first openly gay CEO From a Fortune 500 company that is making a significant contribution to LGBTQ+ visibility and rights in the technology sector.

According to Forbes, his wealth is close to US$2 billion. Financial results for the second quarter of fiscal year 2024 ended March 30, 2024, reported by Apple, were US$90.8 billion, a decline of 4% year-on-year.

Apple CEO Tim Cook (Reuters/Willy Kurniawan)

He will wrap up his meetings with Super Tech executives on Thursday Mark ZuckerbergOwner of Meta – the group that brings together Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp And Threadsamong others – and behind the fourth richest man in the world with a net worth close to US$178,000 million Bernard Arnault from LVMH, Jeff Bezos More from Amazon Elon Musk Of Tesla.

Last quarter, Meta earned $36.46 billion, a 27% increase compared to the same period in 2023.

He just turned 40, and his story as the founder of Facebook while studying at Harvard has led to movies and dozens of documentaries. It created, bought and controlled the world’s largest communication channels and also the largest collection sites for personal data and images.

Facebook changed its name to Meta in 2021. He said in his letter of intent in the presentation speech that the intention of the change is to bring the metaverse to life, help people connect, find communities, and grow businesses.

Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Meta Platform

Investing in research into this change, into this new direction, into new fields and developments artificial intelligence They grew a lot.

Miley will speak at Stanford and will also hold meetings with the rector of the University of California. Richard Saylorand with the director of the Hoover Institution, Condoleezza Riceformer Secretary of State under George W. Bush. You’ll also meet professors and economic policy experts from the Hoover Institution and talk to entrepreneurs involved in artificial intelligence.

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