Cristina Kirchner criticizes gas shortages and Miley’s “truck” surplus | “Officials who don’t work and ideas that don’t work”

former President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner He criticized the energy policies of Xavier Miley’s government in the face of the gas shortage crisis. “With a drawn surplus (in my neighborhood they call it trucho) and without gas in the pipe”He tweeted.

This Wednesday, while the president prepares to make a presentation at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University, CFK mentions the gas shortage the country is facing, a crisis explained by the presence of “Executives that don’t work” but also “ideas that don’t work”He assured.

“During the Frente de Todos government, in online self-criticism, I mentioned the problem of officials who did not work. With the current government, the problem of officials who either do not work (because they do not know or do not understand) has been added to one infinitely more serious: that of ideas that do not work, Deadly combination in matters of state management“, he noted on his social networks.

Idea that the management of the far-right “Fiscal surplus or death!Like all dogmas (except faith), there is destined for failure“, said CFK.

And he explained in that sense: “The stoppage of works Absolutely complementary but essential (read compressors). Nestor Kirchner Gas Pipeline (authentic structural public works) under the network slogan of ‘there is no money’, Revealing lack of knowledge or confusion about the concept of public expenditure, Especially when that spending is actually an investment because it allows the state to avoid larger later expenses.”

“There’s a lot of evidence out there about officials and ideas that don’t work,” the former president remarked.For not transferring funds to contractors Who were doing the compressor work for around $40 million” Miley Sarkar “The ships had to be chartered for very high amounts.”

“So far the idea hasn’t worked, but Furthermore, when they calculated the ships they had to purchase, the officials miscalculated or did not have the foresight.. As I said: with officials who don’t work, ideas don’t work either… nothing good can come of it,” he stressed.

“A showman economist in La Rosada”

At the end of the tweet, CFK mentioned the visit that the far right made to the United States amid the energy crisis. “I’m not going to comment on it The President’s absence in these difficult timesFor being Artistic travel In the northern country. We already described it on February 14 in our document ‘Argentina in its third debt crisis’: A showman economist in La Rosada“, CFK closed.

In that February document, the former president included a subtitle “2023-2027. A showman-economist in La Rosada”, in which he said that “the new president declares himself a libertarian, anarcho-capitalist, enemy of the State, follower of the school of Austrian economic theory – a current of thought that is not applied anywhere in the world – had as its central proposal during the electoral campaign adjustment and dollarization and maintains that the main cause of inflation is the monetary issue to finance fiscal deficits.

Miley, CFK then commented, “qualifies the Convertibility Government, Carlos Menem and Domingo Cavallo as the best government, the best president and the best economy minister in history and intends to repeat privatization, indiscriminate opening and deregulation”, without noting that “the world welcoming Carlos Menem as president has nothing to do with the present.”

Miley’s visit to the United States

Miley begins a new trip to the United States this week, her fifth since assuming the presidency of Argentina. This Wednesday, at 1:30 pm (Argentina time), the president will speak for 45 minutes at Stanford University’s Hoover Institution.

Then, he will meet with the rector of that house of higher education, Richard Saylor, and the director of the Hoover Institution, former United States Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. Then, at 2:30 p.m., you will interact with professors and economic policy experts from the Hoover Institution.

He also has a meeting on the agenda with Google CEO Sundar Pichai at 3:30 p.m.; and another with Apple CEO Timothy Cook at 6:00 p.m. At the end of the day, the head of state will host a meeting with 30 business people and investors involved in artificial intelligence at 6:30 p.m.

On Thursday, Miley has scheduled a meeting with startup entrepreneurs in the artificial intelligence field at 2:00 pm; a keynote address at the Pacific Summit hosted by the Bay Area Council at 7:45 pm; and a meeting with Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg at 8:15 pm, after which her time in the United States will end.

On Friday afternoon, at 6 p.m., the flight will depart back to Argentina, although first it will stop in El Salvador: there he will attend the inauguration of his local counterpart, Nayib Bukele, who won re-election months ago.

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