World Day of Multiple Sclerosis, the “disease of a thousand faces” that affects 1,500 Aragonese – Zaragoza

This Thursday dWorld Multiple Sclerosis Day. In Spain there are more 55,000 people who suffer from this disease and 1,800,000 people in the world. It mainly affects women and most cases are diagnosed between the ages of 20 and 40, but it can be detected at any age. This autoimmune disease which affects the brain and spinal cord.

“It’s a disease cronic and degenerative central nervous system. To understand this, we must imagine a power plant with many cables coming out of it. This powerhouse is our brain. Imagine these cables being exposed. What happens if the light cable is exposed or broken? Well, the connection is bad or works intermittently. This is what happens in multiple sclerosis. And it’s called “multiple” because it can affect different parts of the central nervous system,” the COPE president told us. Aragonese Multiple Sclerosis FoundationTeresa Ferraz.

Disease of 1000 persons

Multiple sclerosis is potentially degenerative and is called “disease of a thousand facesbecause it manifests itself differently in each person. Many symptoms of the first phase are not associated with it or are difficult to identify.

Some of these symptoms are tingling or loss of sensation in the limbs, weakness in any part of the body, urge to urinate, vision problems, lack of balance when moving… Moreover, starting treatment within the first six months has been proven to have important in the medium and long term.

Around this day, the entire global community of patients with multiple sclerosis begins raise awareness in society about the impact this chronic, heterogeneous and changing disease has on the lives of individuals and their families.

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