Victoria Villarruel makes official the opinion of the Bases Law and the Fiscal Package in the Senate

The government finally achieved consensus on basic laws and fiscal compact
The government finally achieved consensus on basic laws and fiscal compact

The Vice President and Head of the Senate, Victoria Villarruel, The views on the Aadhaar law and the fiscal package were made official this afternoon. Thus and, with the corresponding signatures, The dissenting majority will be able to enter the office premises as long as the seven regulatory days are completed in advance.,

The opinion was approved after a tense 24 hours in the upper house. Yesterday, the plenary session of the commissions discussing the issues had to be paused. The texts did not contain concrete agreements and the dialogue was interrupted after opposition legislators brought a new Chief of Staff to the Senate, Guillermo FrancosSo that he makes concessions everywhere and finalises the negotiations.

Signature of law bases
Signature of law bases
Signature of law bases
Signature of law bases

,We have a voice in the base law and the fiscal package law. I want to thank the joint work of the senators and the Chief of Staff and the team, but mainly the Senate working group, who worked even at dawn and contributed their efforts so that President Xavier Miley had the laws he sent to our Senate. Proud of those who accompany me every dayVillarruel said on the social network X.

Signatures of the fiscal package
Signatures of the fiscal package

Despite what happened yesterday, the truth is that, behind the publicized presence of Francos, the semi-nonsense that had taken place last night between the Chief of Staff and the Vice President was resolved. In fact, the senators requested the mandatory presence of the head of the upper house to guarantee the agreements concluded.

,Budget and Finance Commission – Chairman Ezequiel Attauche– It has 17 members, 10 of whom are from the ruling party and the dialogue opposition; the rest, from Kirchnerism.

,The same situation applies to ordinary legislation – the head of debate on base legislation -, which is controlled by the provisional head of the Upper House, Bartolome Abdalla,

,The Department of Constitutional Affairs is headed by a dissident Peronist Edgardo Cuider and has 19 members: 11 from the ruling party and the dialogue opposition, and eight Kirchnerists.

Such an opinion requires the signature of at least half of the members of each commission to be formed. They do not have to have almost the same text, as there may be several dispatches.

Under these considerations, the Base Law, which was discussed by three full commissions, received the signature of Attauche, Abdalla, Juan Carlos Pagoto, Carmen Álvarez Rivero, Rodolfo Suárez, Juan Carlos Romero, Mariana Jury, Luis Juez, Sonia Rojas Decut and Andrea Cristina. Meanwhile, Eduardo Vischi, Flavio Fama, Lucila Crexell, Victor Zimmerman, Pablo Blanco, José María Carrambia, Alejandra Vigo, Mónica Silva and Guadalupe Tagliaferri expressed dissent.,

for its part, Quider distanced himself from everyone by signing “in disagreement”. There are two radicals who did not sign: Martin Loustauwho will present his opinion, and a native of Buenos Aires Maximiliano Abad. that is to say, much more than the adjusted opinion.

meanwhile, Tax Packages It was analyzed only by the Department of Budget and Treasury. Therefore, the signatures belonged to the majority office Attauche and Romero. The rest, in disagreement: Fama, Tagliaferri, Blanco, Zimmerman, Vigo, Cristina, Silva. For his part, Loustau will present a personal office in the coming days.

To persuade the Carambia of Santa Cruz, who threatened to present a minority opinion yesterday, the Government acknowledged that, in the fiscal package, an article would be introduced Amend the mining law which would establish that provinces “that receive or decide to receive royalties will not be able to charge a percentage greater than 5% of the ‘head of mine’ value of the mineral extracted.” Currently, it’s 3%,

Another key point for the Patagonians of the dialogue opposition is that, in profits, the non-taxable minimum will be increased by 22%,

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