Brad Pitt is wild: his girlfriend Shiloh makes a radical decision

After some time, the relationship between Brad Pitt and his children seems extremely strained. Resemman, Zahara, 19, and Vivienne, 15, girls from The Actor and Angelina Jolie, have been announced publicly and are no longer applying for their names.

In People magazine, May 27, 2024, for 18 years, Shiloh – all encore plus lower back. The girl from the old couple is filmed at the request of auprès de la. Supreme Court Count of Los Angeles for those interested ne plus porter, name of father’s son.

Brad Pitt accused of violence

Rumors swirled more than a month later accusing Brad Pitt of abusing members of his family. Seriously confrontation The actress was the first to appear with Angelina Jolie on a private jet in 2016. The mother of the family was accused of being an old wife.physical aggression. Elle avait Expliqué que son ex conjoint l’avait attrapée par les épaules et par la tête, en lui criant: ” You are on a train in the air with this family.“. All this, sous les yeux de leurs 6 enfants.

Some time later, the Hollywood star is also accused of Violence and betrayal of children. Brad Pitt was given the Alternate Guard after much fighting before the decision was overturned and the appeal was annulled.

Brad Pitt

Photo credit: Shutterstock The children of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie turn one and two at the same time, they are accused of violence and abuse by their ex-spouses.

Brad Pitt: Children saw him twice

After this, the children of the two presenters participate in the tournament one after another and in twos. Pax Thien Jolie-Pitt stayed with his father kinard ” and de ” a terrible and disgusting person » lors de la fête des Pères. Zahara and Vivienne announced their publication souhaiter ne plus être appelé par le nom Pitt. L’aine, Maddox, don’t use Australians, which is just a pseudonym in everyday life.

May 27, 2024, Shiloh, three children of the brotherhood, face the decision of the most radical forces. 18-year-old girl – premiere on demand. justice : elle souhaite que Pitt n’apparaisse plus dans son nom de famille. For this, the young teenager found himself at the top of the Los Angeles County Superior Court. Elle Desire s’appeler désormais Shiloh Nouvel Jolie.

Brad Pitt Avait is interrogated about his relationship with a child in 2022, and the action is carried out on a hidden secret of deception of a person in a complex relationship. ” Cela fait monter les larmes aux yeux, ouais. Je suis ici M. Two left feet. Malgré all this time, and Malgré des années de visitas de garde, il n’y a que du rejet“, avait-il confié, lors de la sortie du Film high-speed train.

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