Sales of electrified cars fell 9.5% in May

  • Sales of pure electric vehicles and plug-in hybrids fell significantly to 10,084 units.
  • This drop brings the electrified market share to 8.8% of the total market, down 1.6 percentage points from a year ago.
  • Electrified passenger vehicles are also seeing their sales decline, with sales down 11.9% in May.
  • In May, 4 out of every 10 cars sold are zero or low emission.

Madrid, June 3, 2024 – electric vehicle sales (electric and plug-in hybrids, including cars, quadricycles, commercial and industrial vehicles and buses) sales fell 9.5% in Maybefore 10,084 units. It is alarming that with 8.85% of sales, puts this type of vehicle in a smaller market share than a year ago, when it accounted for 10.43%. A situation that warns of the need to take effective measures to increase sales in order to achieve the necessary emission reduction targets.

Until the month of Mayaccumulated a total of 49,077 electrified vehicles, up just 1.2% from the same period in 2023.. The amount that represents 9.48% of total market and which is 0.7 percentage points less than last year’s market share.

For registration of alternative vehicles (electrified, hybrid and gas), increased by 14% for the month, selling 46,864 units, accounting for 41.12% of the market.. A total of 217,824 sales were made during the year, with an increase of 20.1%, surpassing the purchase option of diesel and gasoline cars.

Sales of electrified cars fell 9.5% in May

Sales of pure electric vehicles increased by 2.1% in MayWith 5187 units registered. He is 4.55% market share per month. In total, sales of these cars for the year amounted to 23,095 units, which is 0.3% more than in the same period last year. The total quota for the year is 4.48%

  • PLUG-IN HYBRID CARS – Label Zero

Sales of plug-in hybrid vehicles fell by 19.2% in May, With 4897 units registered. This represents 4.3% market share for the month. In general, sales of these cars for the year amounted to 25,882 units, 2% more than in the same period last year. The total quota for the year is 5%.


Sales of plug-in hybrid cars growth of 24.9% in Mayand get to There were 34,353 units registered this month. He is 30.14% market share in May. In that cumulative result of the yearSales of these cars are piling up. 154,909 units, up 26% than in the same period last year. the share of the total volume for the year is 29.92%.

  • GAS CARS – ECO Label

Gas car sales fell by 1.2% in May With 2414 units are registered, representing 2.12% market share per month. In general, sales of these cars for the year accumulate 13,823 unitsA 40.5% more than in the same period last year. The total quota for the year is 2.67%.


Sale in May 13 hydrogen fuel cell vehicles. In that general yearsigned up 15 new units, 67% more than in the previous year.


registration of electrified, hybrid and gas CARS They increased sales in May by 14.1% compared to the same month of the previous year, so far 45 546 units delivered. In May, they accounted for 47.86% of total sales, accounting for every second passenger car sale. For the year as a whole, they represent 49.04% of the market with 211,813 units and growth of 21.7%.

Regarding the market electrified passenger carsin May sales fell by 11.9%With 9180 units. An entry that puts market share at 9.65% of total volumeWhat means 1.7 percentage points less than last year. By type, both electric and plug-in hybrids are seeing their sales decline. For the month, pure electric vehicles (BEVs) saw 4,393 new registrations, down 0.4%. While plug-in hybrids (PHEVs) fell 20.3% in May to 4,787 units.

In that In total, sales of electrified passenger cars amounted to 45,153 units over the year. which is only increase its volume by 3.5% Compared to the same period last year. In the total market volume, its share remains at the same level of about 10% (10.4%) and decreases as the year progresses. This figure is very far from the pace that Spain must follow to achieve the necessary decarbonization targets and shows the need to stimulate it with effective measures to increase sales.


José López-Tafall, Director General of ANFAC He noted that “the pace we are seeing month after month in the electrified market is a warning sign that we must act now. Sales of electrified passenger vehicles are down significantly this month from a year ago in an overall market that is growing compared to 2023. About 45,000 sales were recorded up to May, a far cry from the level of sales that must be achieved to reach the target of 280,000 units in 2024, which is needed to meet emissions reduction targets. We once again insist that there is a wide supply of electrified vehicles, but supply without demand is a fiction. On July 31, the MOVES III plan comes to an end and the numbers show that its continuation and improvement is necessary. This update is also necessary to implement measures that stimulate purchases on the financial side, as well as speed up the future deployment of charging points. The message must be clear and compelling, the time for declarations is long past and we can no longer lag behind in a year when we should have accelerated.”

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