The drug achieved record survival rates in breast cancer patients

Record survival rates achieved in breast cancer patients

The drug exhibits record survival rate in patients with mammary cancer metastatic, the most diagnosed tumor in the world, surpassing lung cancer. After monitoring more than 500 patients with this incurable disease, the results were very positive, with a survival rate of 67%. This drug reduces Risk of death by 27% and could be approved in Spain in the coming months.

This drug was used to treat the most aggressive and metastatic breast cancers, but is now being used for much more common breast tumors. The results show that there is 67% survival rate which in turn increased to four years. According to the Spanish Society of Medical Oncology (SEOM), it will be diagnosed in 2024. 36,395 new cases Breast cancer is the type of tumor most common among women in our country.

“This works for almost all cancer patients,” explains Begoña Bermejo.

The International Breast Cancer Center (IBCC) conducted a study that shows the effectiveness of the treatment for patients with metastatic breast cancer. The journal Nature Medicine published the results of a study that included 524 patients with inoperable metastatic cancer. Director of the IBCC, Javier Cortez Castan, highlighted that this is “the longest median overall survival reported in this context” with a 27% reduction in the risk of death.

“The data has been presented and this is a revolution because this innovative drug can be used for almost everyone all patients with breast cancer. We hope that in the coming months this treatment will be available to treat all patients with metastatic breast cancer in our country,” he concludes. Begoña Bermejooncologist and representative of GEICAM, the leading breast cancer research group in Spain, about this tumor, which usually appears between the ages of 35 and 80 years.

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