The electric car turns on the emergency lights

Sales of battery-powered models and plug-in hybrids are falling in May, and their market share is even lower than in 2023. Europe is doubling us.

Late last year, Wayne Griffiths, as president of Anfac, asked the government to take action to restart car sales. Especially models with a fork. “We can’t waste any more time,” he said, demanding action now, in the first quarter of 2024. The year is about to cross the equator, but nothing is visible. It is not even known whether there will be assistance in purchasing…limited to electrified- will continue after July 31st, when they expire.

But the market continues to send signals. The last one, very powerful, in May: if the total sales of passenger cars reached 95,158 units, then 3.8% more than pure electric and plug-in hybrids (PHEVs) decreased by 11.9%, in just 9180 operations.

Further from Europe

Some might soften this fact by saying that the May decline was almost entirely caused by PHEVs. True, but it doesn’t hide it The share of the pie represented by cars with plug sockets in Spain is only 10.4%. this year is four tenths less than in 2023.

Moreover, the data does not stand up to comparison with the environment. According to the European Manufacturers Association Acea, this type of car Between January and April they accounted for 19.2% of registrations in the EU; 18.2% in Germany, 26.1% in France and 28.2% in Portugal. If we take a quota only for purely electric passenger cars, it will be even worse: the EU will double us, and France will triple us.

Goal: 280,000 vehicles.

“We must act immediately. Until May, about 45,000 sales (of electrified vehicles) were recorded, which is very far from the required pace. to reach the 280,000 units needed in 2024 to meet emissions reduction targets. There is a wide supply of models, but without demand it is a fiction,” Anfac CEO José López-Tafall lamented yesterday, based on these results.

Improving charging infrastructure is more than identified as one of the necessary levers. In fact, what we experienced this Easter with EV charging traffic jams on the A3 has created a clamor against the technology, although it only affected one brand (Tesla) and some overly dogmatic users.

Help, key

For its part, this Help with purchasing needed –These are still more expensive models – demonstrated German failure when they were removed; and the joy of sales in France, where they are even offered for social rent for low-income people. Although this is not a mirror of Portugal, where the aid is also linked to taxes for companies.

Companies are the largest buyers of these cars and it so happens that this channel is going through a delicate moment in our country. During January-May, 431,884 cars and SUVs were registered, which is 6.8% more than a year ago. but thanks to the attraction of rental companies (+45.3%) and, to a lesser extent, private clients (+8%). On the other hand, companies purchased 12.2% fewer cars. due to the weakness of its investments.

Petitions to the EU

“That’s why, when we look at the European elections this Sunday, it’s so important have a structure that guarantees stability and adequate incentives to encourage investment,” notes Ghanvam, an association of traders and workshops.

And how could a new road map emerge from these elections? Don’t leave all the decarbonization to an electric car – as has been proposed so far – technology-neutral assistance plans could even be proposed.

In this case, there is no need to look outside. Galicia or Madrid have launched specific programs of this type and together with the Valencian Community regions where sales will grow the most in 2024 – 13.5% and 12%, respectively

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