Europe decides between increasing border controls or betting on safe migration routes

“He is nowhere near Europe Legal and safe routes to immigration “The conditions in which they arrive have a tremendous impact and we serve migrants here in Barcelona,” explains María del Carmen de la Fuente, director of the NGO MigraStudium, which is in charge of accompanying and welcoming people who arrive in Spain without legal documents. “They have to live in 100% indecent conditions,” Today, the State can say very little about how immigrants enter our country: It is a policy that depends on Europe. Lawyers, activists and municipal reception technicians emphasise the crucial role of these elections in deciding Europe’s position on migration. “We are faced with a choice between a fortress Europe that lets no one in or a Europe of solidarity that offers opportunities.”

The European institutions are responsible for deciding how and who can do that Cross EU borders and reach our country. Who needs a visa, who has it able to move Independently, who can access the coasts or airports, who must return to their country or to third countries and what documentation is required to demonstrate grounds for international protection. “Entry routes, whether secured or not, Dependent on Europe.and even more so since the approval of the European Migration and Asylum Plan, which ended up limiting the powers of each country,” he explains. Carlos CastillaDoctor in International Law and Migration from UPF.

European Treaty

NGOs completely rejected the agreement, which, among other measures, promotes the creation of detention centers for migrants and refugees before they can cross the border. At the same time, Allows detention and deprivation of liberty for up to one year People who are not allowed to enter Europe, those countries You could pay for not welcoming immigrants And these are transferred to third countries. The agreement, reached by EU member states under the Spanish presidency of the Union Council, has already been approved by Parliament in various terms. The PP, PSOE, Ciudadanos and Junts voted in favour. ERC and Podemos, against. Vox abstained because it believed it was not too restrictive.

“It is time for citizens to give their opinion on this agreement,” says Kastila. “We now have a margin of two years to make a decision. How it applies.Depending on the election result, these border controls could become more restrictive. Thousands of lives are at risk,” he stresses. Gloria RendónConsultant on reception and migration plans for several institutions and former director of the Service for Immigrants, Emigrants and Refugees (SAIER) of Barcelona.

“The treaty cannot be revoked, but it will depend on the decision of Parliament There will be more or less controlsMore or less facilities will be built … Parliament can be built overseeing organisation If human rights are violated in the application of this treaty, or you can decide to invest all the money you need to close your eyes to what is happening,” explains Josetxo Ordóñez, a lawyer specialising in immigration law at the NGO Migrastudium.

Safe routes formula

The reception and intercultural technician in Barcelona also shows his fear about the dilemma that will arise in these European elections. “We have the example of Ukraine. Europe has decided to make things easier for people fleeing the war. Most of them are already working in our country without any problems. Even the Bank of Spain says, we need immigrants!” “If we put fewer barriers and more Rental facilities Or by establishing safe routes for arrivals to asylum applications, the social and emotional discomfort of migrants and the strain on social services would surely be greatly reduced.

Ordóñez recalls the ILP’s motivation for the massive regularization of immigrants that is being studied in Congress. “The idea is to recognize the rights of all foreigners who, in a situation of maximum difficulty, helped lift the country during the pandemic. For example, taking care of the most vulnerable,” the lawyer added. “Europe will have to decide if it should forget about this or not,” Castillo says. Rendón points to the risks of betting on security policy and tightening border controls, as opposed to allowing more hiring in countries of origin to fill jobs in Europe. “If safe routes are allowed, We will achieve social unity and collect more taxes. “People will not stop fleeing wars and misery,” Senden summarizes. No matter how many controls are put in place, people will keep coming. “The issue is whether we let them die at sea or give them a chance.”


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