Food: Court finds discrepancy between government report and goods found in a warehouse

The Villa Martelli warehouse contains the food that the government is starting to distribute today

The federal justice system found differences between the Ministry in charge of Human Capital Sandra Pettovelloofficially informed them of the quantity and type of food in their Villa Martelli warehouse and what exactly is there, according to a procedure that was carried out on Saturday afternoon at the location by order of a federal judge. Sebastian Cassanello at the request of the prosecutor paloma ochoa,

Judicial sources gave information infobae “There are a lot of differences” between what the government reported and what was found at the scene. These differences are that there is a shortage of food and the food that has expired is not in place. “This is the first analysis as we continue to gather information and there are a lot of missing documents that have not been found,” the source said.

This situation was made public by a social leader Juan Grabois “There is a shortfall in the deposits,” Grabois said today during a sworn hearing with Capital Humano executives and lawyers at the Federal Chamber of Comodoro Pirl.

According to a report by the Federal Police’s Anti-Corruption Investigations Division, of 30,240 units of one-kilo powdered milk, only 18,640 were in the warehouse, so 11,600 were missing. Another consignment of 49,950 units of milk powder was reported, with 8 missing. Meanwhile, of the other 229,034 units of milk powder, 11,600 more units are missing.

On the other hand, the report points out that no “Costa del Sol” brand oil was found in the warehouse, but there were 25,350 units of “Alsamar” oil that was not registered. The same applies to the tomato puree product.

The national government presented in the judicial case – in which it is investigated whether Human Capital officials have committed crimes for not distributing food in canteens and picnic areas – a report that Casanello requested regarding the quantity, type, date of purchase and maturity of the food that is in the Villa Martelli and Tafí Viejo deposits in Tucumán.

Human Capital said it has 5,902,987 kilograms of food between the two warehouses: 3,627,815 kilograms at the Villa Martelli warehouse and 2,275,172 kilograms in Tucumán. According to the report, these are sunflower and soybean oil, rice with meat, rice and vegetables, peas, chickpeas, corn flour, milk powder, lentils, loko, raisins, peanut paste, tomato puree and grass.

Minister of Human Capital, Sandra Pettovello (Photo NA)

It appears that the food is expired. 3,792 kilograms of “La Hoja” brand yerba mate that expired on January 31, 2022, compliant with government Alberto Fernandez. Also 40 kilos of rice and vegetables that expired on February 28, 2024. But there are also foods that expired in July. This is the case of 339,867 kilos of powdered milk that expires between July 7 and 30 and 4,439 kilos of corn flour that expired on July 25.

When these data became known, the Government pointed out that the goods that were about to expire were being distributed by a person who had been expelled and criminally denounced. Pablo De La TorreSecretary of Children, Adolescents and Family. Previously, I said that there is no food that is about to expire. In the case they had to present a plan to distribute all the food in the warehouses. The deadline to comply with the order expired on Thursday and they did not do so. They appealed the decision to be overturned by the Federal Chamber, which held a hearing today to discuss the case.

Given these differences, Prosecutor Ochoa requested that a procedure be carried out at the Villa Martelli warehouse to verify that the information provided by the Government matched what was actually in the warehouse.

portion of food stored by the government

The final report was being finalized, but the first analysis revealed that what was found in the warehouse was not what was in the government papers. Expired food was no longer found and the goods that were in the report were missing. “There’s no justification for that missing food, why, or what its destination was or what its release date was from the warehouse. Same with expired goods, the destination is unknown.”A consulted source explained.

Documents were found in the deposits that are being analyzed, but other documents considered essential to be able to cross-reference the information, such as return addresses, were also not found.

Grabois referred to these differences at today’s hearing in the Federal Chamber. “There is a shortfall in deposits. Isn’t this the rotten food they took out to avoid another scam?”Held.

The judge outlined all the data to obtain the information, determine what the differences were, and then determine how to continue the investigation.

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