Discover a simple exercise that will help you control your blood pressure

World Health Organization (WHO) It is estimated that about one billion people worldwide suffer from high blood pressurewhich is equivalent to approximately 20% of the world’s population.

IN Spain, That voltage high levels affect nearly 43% of adults. This condition occurs when blood flows through arteries with more force than usual.

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hypertension called “a silent killer” because usuallyand does not cause symptoms In most cases, according to American Heart Association (AHA).

In fact, it should be noted that usually those who suffer from it state They only find out about it when they visit doctor for some other reason.

On the other hand, when it comes to serious cases, The most common signs may be headache, dizziness, or nosebleeds. These signs usually indicate that the patient’s life is deteriorating. finds himself in danger.

high blood pressure can cause serious problems health How kidney failure, heart attacks and strokes.

Between factors which increase the likelihood of contracting this disease is passive lifestyle.

It’s because lack of physical activity increases body weight and, in turn, reduces the elasticity of arteries and calls mincreased risk of cardiovascular disease.

In this sense Centers for Disease Control and Prevention They claim that the four pillars of a healthy lifestyle are: nutritious diet, healthy weight, no smoking and no exercise.

WHO, for its part,recommend 150 minutes of moderate activity or 75 minutes of vigorous activity per week, distributed throughout the week to prevent this type of pathology and improve the quality of life.

Daily workout has many physical and mental health benefits, so that’s another reason to add it to your daily routine. According to experts, There is a special exercise that will help control your blood pressure.

This is about aerobic or cardiovascular exercise, How walk, run, swim or bikegiven that They improve blood circulation and lower blood pressure.

Except, strengthens the heart muscle and helps lower cholesterol levels, thereby preventing heart diseases.

They are also useful for maintain a healthy weight, burn calories, improve muscle tone, digestion and mood.

A simple exercise to help you control your blood pressure

On the other hand, it is recommended to do resistance exercises How lift weights or use resistance bands because, in addition to working on muscle strength and promoting a healthier metabolism, They help keep blood pressure under control.

It should be noted that several research showed that cardiovascular diseaseswhich affect the functioning and circulation of blood vessels may be prevent by using a combination of aerobic exercise and strength training.

If you are interested in how many times to do each exercise, then experts recommend Perform aerobic activity three times a week and strength training only two days.

In addition to a sedentary lifestyle, other risk factors for high blood pressure the following: age, family history, overweight or obesity, excessive sodium intake, lack of potassium and vitamin Dalcohol consumption, stress and some chronic conditions.

This information is in no way a substitute for a doctor’s diagnosis or prescription. It is important to consult a specialist when symptoms appear and never self-medicate.

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