Five coffins appeared beneath the Eiffel Tower with a disturbing message: “French soldiers in service of Ukraine”

The coffins that appeared under the Eiffel Tower

Three people were arrested in France this Monday after reportedly being placed Five coffins under the Eiffel TowerA symbolic monument of Paris that will hold a prominent place in the next Olympic Games.

According to officials from the Paris prosecutor’s office, the three – citizens of Bulgaria, Germany And Ukraine– They covered the coffins with French flags, including an inscription that read “French soldiers in the service of UkraineNear the Eiffel Tower on Saturday.

The cause of the incident was not clear. France is on the highest alert level ahead of the Summer Olympics, to be held from July 26 to August 11 in Paris and the grand open-air ceremony on the River Seine.

The debate over France’s support for Ukraine has also heated up in recent weeks after President Emmanuel Macron suggested sending troops to train Kiev’s soldiers on the ground. The Kremlin criticised the statements, calling them “dangerous”.

The three men were questioned by an investigating judge on Monday. Officials told the agency that prosecutors requested that they be charged with premeditated violence. AP. the location of the coffins at the foot of the Paris monument, which is visited by millions of tourists every year, “It is considered an act of psychological violenceAnd memorial staff and others were “incapacitated” from their work, officials said. They spoke on condition of anonymity because of the pending investigation.

The driver told the police that he had met only two young men the previous night – those who had unloaded the coffins. All three said they were “I am unemployed and need money“The driver got 120 euros ($131) and those unloading the luggage got 400 euros,” the police source said.

However, The investigating judge did not press chargesBut the three assisting witnesses were given a special status under French law, prosecutors said. They will remain free while the investigation continues.

After this the coffins of the Eiffel Tower appeared Other strange incidents in recent months have worried French authorities.

Last month, he was seen dyed Red Hand on the Paris Holocaust Memorial,

And in October, shortly after the war between Israel and Hamas began, stencils of blue Stars of David appeared on buildings in Paris.

French officials accused Russian security services of instigating controversy involving the stars. French Foreign Minister, Stefan SéjournéSaid that both incidents involved people paid to destabilise French society and create rifts.

The Russian Embassy in France said on Tuesday that it does not interfere in the country Condemned “Russophobic” suggestions that Moscow was involved in the coffins.

The embassy said this in a statement “expresses decisive protest against the latest Russophobic campaign waged by the French media” and added that “Russia has not and does not interfere in the internal affairs of France.”

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