SES recommends measles vaccination for 4-year-old children after three cases detected

The Extremadura Health Service (SES) has diagnosed three cases of measles in the Merida health area and has therefore asked parents of children born in 2020 to vaccinate their children, even if there is a month left before the birth. reach 4 years for the group to be “fully covered.”

Of the three diagnosed cases, so far the only ones in the entire region, in 2024, two belong to the age group of 15-19 years, and the third – to the group of 45-49 years, which was confirmed by sources in the department. health and social services.

The SES notes that vaccination is the “most effective” measure to prevent the transmission of this disease. In this sense, he asked parents of children born in 2020, belonging to the Mérida Health zone and who will turn 4 years old this year, to be vaccinated, even if there is a month left before they reach the required age. the group is therefore “fully covered”, reports Europa Press.

The Directorate General of Public Health stresses that it is “strongly recommended” to vaccinate in advance if this age group is not already vaccinated, as “there is no inconvenience” in registering it in the Jara vaccine module.

In addition, children over 4 years of age who have not yet received two doses of the vaccine should complete a vaccination schedule with at least 4 weeks between doses.

For adults, two-dose MMR vaccination is recommended for people born after 1970 who have not had the disease and do not have a history of two-dose vaccination.

If an adult has previously received a single dose, a second dose will be given at the prescribed interval.

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