Autonomous robot took a photo of the Chinese lunar lander

(CNN) —According to state media, the China National Space Administration (CNSA) released this Thursday a photograph taken by an autonomous robot camera of the Chang’e 6 lunar lander on the far side of the Moon.

The photo was taken on June 3 by a “mobile camera” carried to the lunar surface on the side panel of Chang’e 6.

The autonomous camera “selected the shooting angle, composed the image and intelligently optimized the image position, and finally captured a true third-person perspective image of the lander and ascent module combination on the surface of the hidden Moon,” it said. This was reported by the Xinhua News Agency.

The camera, weighing about 5 kilograms, is a microrobot capable of moving autonomously. According to Xinhua, it was developed by the Fifth Academy of China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation.

After Chang’e 6 completed collecting samples, the camera stretched across the lunar surface, where it found a shooting position.

“In addition to taking beautiful photographs of the Chang’e 6 lander and ascent module, the autonomous intelligent microrobot on the lunar surface is also on a mission to test autonomous intelligent technology. positive impact on future lunar scientific research,” Xinhua reported.

The Chang’e 6 lunar lander blasted off from the far side of the Moon at 7:38 a.m. local time on Tuesday and delivered lunar samples.

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