Taylor Swift: Will give back her son’s huge bro with Kanye West

Ce jeudi June 6, France 2, scatter the number d’Special Envoy entièrement dedicated to Taylor Swift. The case of the revival of Sur l’énorme Brouille, which opposes the American singer and rapper Kanye West.

At the beginning of the decade, it became part of the world music history. Taylor Swift, an international superstar, has had an exceptional career since her debut. With over 200 million records sold worldwide and numerous awards, he is one of the most influential artists of this generation. On the last tour Eras Tourbattle of the records created by plus de $700 million for charity in seulement quelques mois. You chose this, of course, Travis Kelsey’s troupe is not just a musical icon, but a consummate figure in modern pop culture.

Taylor Swift’s impact on the world of fourth art and pop culture is what item number d’ is all about.Special Envoy, released on June 6 in France 2. The mission, presented by Elisa Lucet, has been studied by millions of fans around the world. A report that allows you to illuminate the financier empire, creating the author de puy-singer making her debut on stage.

Taylor Swift fought Kanye West

Malgré is extremely popular; Taylor Swift is not one of her friends in the world of show business. L’une de ses brouilles les plus mediatisées is the cell that confronts Kanye West. At the opening of the 2009 MTV Video Music Awards, the rapper took over the stage by hanging Taylor Swift’s pardon discourse to accept the award for Best Female Video. Facing the public, the former Kim Kardashian confirmed that Beyoncé deserves this award. The incident described next to the names of people who were at the departure point from June A long and tumultuous relationship between the two artists.

Kanye West two days before I apologized to Taylor Swift. “C’était malvenu, period. JI’m not saying I’m sorry, it’s not my fault. “I love those emotions, but that’s part of what I love about helping people.”, he stated this in Jay Leno’s issue. De son côté, c’est dans View What the singer remembered about this momentary feature: “At that moment I thought it was completely incomprehensible that I could receive this award, I’m not going back. Hope all your fans and Kanye West are here. Outchat-elle declaré.

Kanye West: his published excuses for Taylor Swift

Souhaitant se faire pardonner et laver son nom, it’s like Twitter with Kanye West tearing up his excuses around the singer. “Je suis désolé Taylor. Nous sommes tous deux Artists (…) Nos managers essence de nous monter l’un contre l’autre… Elle mérite vraiment des excuses, at-il écrit. A year later, a young woman, aged 34, saw the VWA stage and interpreted a new chanson mentioned by Kanye West. “La personane que you es n’est pas le geste que you as fait, tu es toujours un innocent”, scand-t-el. But in 2013 it was even better than in 2013. The newspaper “New York TimesNecessarily “window regret” Envers Taylor Swift.

Moreover, apparently the translator Get rid of it This is not a rancuiner. In 2015, she performed on the VWA stage to receive an award from Kanye West, taking part in a new alliance. Now it is the singer’s parole prize l’année suivante, linked to rumors d’une mesentente. “So far, the first woman has released two Grammy-winning albumsI will tell all women that gens teneront de s’appproprier leur succès or de leur barrer la Route“, at-elle announced to the public lors d’un événement. Many years later, Kanye West sorts the video for the title. Famous. Dans ce dernier, Tsiral statue, very reminiscent of Taylor Swift, in nue dans sonlit. In his reports, the rapper states:I impressed Taylor and my sofa ensemble, I made this famous girl. La déclaration de trop pour l’artiste americaine, qui décrit ce titre comme “misogyny”. “Cela m’a Fait tomber Psychologiquement dans un endroit où je n’avais jamais été auparavant”, at-elle ensuite stated in an interview according to Billboard. The point of no return is Finalement été Atteint.

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