Like Shiloh Jolie, they decided to abandon their last name and explain why.

Shiloh Jolie-Pitt in Los Angeles in 2021.
JC Olivera/Getty Images via AFP Shiloh Jolie-Pitt in Los Angeles in 2021.

JC Olivera/Getty Images via AFP

Shiloh Jolie-Pitt in Los Angeles in 2021.

FAMILY – On her 18th birthday, Shiloh Jolie-Pitt, the girlfriend of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt, released official documents to officially remove her name from her middle name. In France, after July 1, 2022, things can be done easier. Each person can change their last name on Friday, add or remove the names of two of their parents, or choose two of their parents.

While everyone present responds to our calls for the names of their subjects, Emma*, a 26-year-old parent’s assistant, chooses her father’s name. ” “Il était Lié à l’abandon et à la violence”we will believe you in 2022, when the legislation changes allowing you to change your middle name.

For Catherine Verdier, a psychologist and psychotherapist, this demarche is a chime for people who suffer from childhood trauma or abuse. Derrière le fait d’enlever un nom ou de le replacer par un autre, il ya l’acte symbolic « d’Effacer or de Suprimer des Racines, for identity ” For her, this is not the only name you want. C’est une personne, although “ all the genealogy that goes on “Que l’on raye de sa vie, du moinssymboliquement.

“A passerby chose another »

C’était également l’absence and la violence by the son who was the guide of Thierry*, 32 years old, under the pseudonym of his mother. “The very moments in the present, these moments for making revolutions, racontait-il au HuffPost or I have two answers. This is a man who is racist, homophobic, tout l’opposie de ma mere, en fait. »

“My parents are étaient mariees, in a live ensemble, explain-il. Mais pour tout ce qui était devoirs, repas, suivi scolaire, vie quotidienne, c’était ma mère. Il ne s’est jamais ocupé de rien. Now children are left alive when they fail to cope with blows, punches, batons or martinets. But I can’t avoid this. »

Cela faisait plus de dix ans qu’il pensait à Changed de Famille. “This is what came at a good time. » If you do not choose unanimity in the family, in particular regarding the parental home, it receives permission “passerby by other choice”.

“About changing the ADN step”

I will arrive when I want to change a survivor’s name the moment he does so, passing his name on to his child. This is the case with Sophie*, 35 years old, who is the ward of her daughter and owns the property of a child who is in the same situation ” episode ” Next time she will use her first name. ” I prefer not to bear my father’s name, resume-t-elle. I am very attached to the name of my mother, which was the name of my great father, not I was very good and which represented a father figure for me. »

For Catherine Verdier, this demarche is written in “alors dans une recherche de” feelings ” ” For these people the name in question is not an identification and ils le replacent par un nom qui veut dire quelque chosen for euxanalyze-t-el. This is the end of the process and the beginning of a new day dedicated to family communication with their children. »

While this action may be helpful, it will not alleviate the trauma caused to those concerned. ” Cela fait du bien et cela aide à la reconstruction, car en général, this is the motive. Don’t change your nameSouligne la Psychologue. But a big injury remains bad for one and all. It changes the DNA of the passage. » Elle advice d’etre suivi Psychologiquement, même si ce ne sont quelques séances pour « Mettre ses ideas au clair “, in front of the passage le cap.

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