The Nobel Prize for Literature’s answer to the question of whether she knows Taylor Swift has everyone excited.

Annie Ernault, winner of the 2022 Nobel Prize in Literature, gave an interview to the magazine A country, where he talked about literature, as well as his background, support for Palestine, and the influence of MeToo. However, one of the answers that attracted the most attention was a question about American singer Taylor Swift.

The French writer said the Nobel Prize turned her “into a public figure.” “I used to be just a writer. Now I am an icon, a symbol, all these pompous words that have no meaning to me. “I felt like the Virgin Mary, Notre-Dame de Boulogne, who was carried through parishes throughout France at the end of World War II,” he said.

Moreover, during the interview he assured that he had never had a right-wing partner. “It almost happened once, but it didn’t last long. This is something bigger than me. You have a different view of things, of people, of the world,” he expressed.

However, one of the most talked about answers was when a journalist asked him if he knew Taylor Swift’s music. “She is the biggest pop star of our time, but she is reproached for talking about her romantic breakups. She is ridiculed as if her work does not matter, like what happened to you,” the journalist noted.

At the same time, the writer assured: “I don’t know her, but I’m going to listen to her.” “The contempt for women’s experiences is still there, nothing has really changed. Repeat his name, I’ll write it down… Swift, like Jonathan Swift?” – he added then.

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