Elvis (France 2) – Austin Butler: “This role is like climbing Everest”

Personne été aimé, adulé, imitates Elvis Presley. Lui, a game from Tupelo who loves rhythm and blues and gospel, heralded a generation of black-and-white rock music and its newest ideas with fame and fan delight. The Beatles meme does not support idolatry. “Avant Elvis, il n’y avait Rien” is a song by John Lennon. Faire revival of the prime star of rock ‘n’ roll on the screen is a challenge that Baz Luhrmann (Moulin Rouge, Gatsby le Magnifique…) with modesty and son of legendary extravagance. ” I did everything I could to make sure there wasn’t a biopic. I want to be a traitor in the spirit of Shakespeare, who represents a historical figure and does it again”, insists the realist. Soit is a dance project based on working for people. Once again, Elvis’s entire life was repeated, his son died, on August 16, 1977, as the narrator Faustien, he was a toxic relative with his son-manager, Colonel of Problems Tom Parker, a genius of marketing and other manipulations played by Tom Hanks.


Which actor can escape the charisma, vocal ability and necessary dexterity to relax in the famous games that are terrible in the vertu leagues? “ Austin Butler is a literal character, spanning three generations and playing his part! If I had never met you again, I would never have seen this movie. “, sums up Luhrmann. The most beautiful compliment from Priscilla Presley: “ Si mon mari était vivant, il dirait: “Comment as-tu fait pour devenir, à ce point, parfaitement moi?” » In 2018, on the advice of comedian Denzel Washington, Baz Luhrmann opened Austin Butler on Broadway in Eugene O’Neill’s play, The Ice March has passed. A four-hour theatrical performance!


Le Californien passe neanmoins cinq mois d’essais à apprendre des chance, tester des Scenes, explorele le personanage, sans avoir la certitude d’etre l’élu. ” Avec Baz, il faut s’apprivoiser, travailler, aller chercher quelque selected » Confiait l’Acteur Alors at the age of 28. After this audition during normal hours, the boss pendant for two hours, day and night, is the leading role that is having fun in the movie. He lights up, looks and appreciates everything that can be on his model. TO…

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