Lyme disease in dogs: symptoms of a tick bite


Not all ticks transmit diseases or bite people. There is a certain specificity, and each type of tick transmits a specific pathogen when infected. In Spain, the most common tick-borne infectious diseases (TIBD) are Mediterranean spotted fever and Lyme disease And Debonel/Tibola. They also carry diseases such as human anaplasmosis or babesiosis, although these are much less common.

The Ministry of Health’s guidelines for action against tick bites specify that a patient who presents with a tick bite “will be advised that the risk of developing the disease is minimal, and only if signs and symptoms are present will a specific process be performed.” In any case, you will be asked to monitor for one month from the date of the bite, since the maximum incubation period for EITH is 32 daystherefore, if clinical manifestations appear, you should consult your doctor again.

Ticks and the most common diseases associated with bites. (Biometric Research Center of La Rioja/Ministry of Health)

If the tick is attached to the skin, it is carefully removed with tweezers and disinfected with povidone iodine or chlorhexidine. Health does not recommend removing ticks attached by traditional systems (cotton wool with alcohol, oil, petroleum jelly, petroleum jelly, anesthetics, cutting with scissors, pulling with fingers, applying heat, etc.) as they are a risk factor because they facilitate the spread of pathogens that they may contain. If it is extracted at home, they recommend not throwing it away once it is out of the skin, as “it may be a clinical sample that is of great value and indicates diagnostic possibilities.” It can be stored in a jar with damp paper and, in case of complications, sent for classification and possible research of the microorganisms carried in it.

Not only people suffer from the bite of this insect. tick bites in dogs are a common concern for pet owners due to the possible infections and diseases that these parasites can be transmitted, and the main one, as in humans, is Lime.

According to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the agency responsible for protecting public health by ensuring the safety, effectiveness, and security of human and veterinary drugs, biological products, and medical devices in the United States, typical symptoms This pathology in dogs includes swelling joints and limp, heat And loss of appetite. Experts at the FDA’s Center for Veterinary Medicine note that dogs with Lyme disease sometimes develop severe kidney disease, which can be fatal.

In dogs, the more subtle early stages of Lyme disease often go undetected. Even if your dog appears healthy, your veterinarian may recommend annual testing for Lyme disease, especially if you live in an area where Lyme disease is common. If your dog’s blood test is positive, your veterinarian may recommend additional tests, such as a urine test.

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