An excited Meloni is studying her next steps as the far right threatens the future of the EU

Irene Savio

06/10/2024 16:58


electoral victory in The European elections have put Giorgia Meloni’s party, Brothers of Italy (HDI), in this position. Excitement and has revived hopes of forming a extreme right to prevail in Brussels. That desire has become more real as the final results are reflected. The main candidate of the European Popular Front (EPP), Ursula von der Leyen doesn’t need the votes of the Italian Prime Minister (or the French Prime Minister) Marine Le Penleader of National regrouping) for his re-election as President of The European Commission; But, after that permission was granted with the support of both PPE move on Simple majority votingDiscarding the socialists and liberals.

Against the backdrop of this scenario, the Italian has not wasted a moment in putting her strategy into practice. After confirming her popularity in Italy – a founding country that has enormous importance in the European Union – she first published a snapshot of herself smiling on Instagram, and then appeared on Monday morning. Claim your result electoral (28.8%), which is almost three points more than the 2022 assembly elections.they saw us comingBut they are not going to be able to stop us,” Meloni said from the Parco dei Principi, the five-star Roman hotel with a swimming pool and café with a ‘dolce vita’ atmosphere that he chose as the venue for his election night speech.

On Monday morning, Meloni gave some more indications of his intentions. He praised Le Pen’s victory in France, said it was “too early” to discuss von der Leyen’s re-election and pointed out that he still wants to take action against the government. Study of the situation. next, criticized a According to him, voters view the EU with disdain because it is an institution that “has created policies that citizens do not share” and “has created policies that do not affect the EU”.attacks on freedom“Of the citizens .

He explicitly cited the Green Deal as an example. All of this explains why Italy registered Historical refrain (Less than one in two Italians voted in the elections), as he said, also leaving aside the fact that today Italy receives more money from the EU than it gives.

Brake on European integration

numbers in hand, some observers have interpreted this behavior as a sign that Meloni I will test Possibility of supporting von der Leyen in exchange for the appointment of Italian candidates European Commissioner positions more important. “A good deal would be to appoint one of you as commissioner defending Or, for example, foreign policy“Meloni is likely to put it on the table in the coming weeks,” says Maria Elena Cavallaro, a professor at Luiss University in Rome. His negotiations with the EPP” adds Cavallaro.

Nicola Procaccini, one of Meloni’s people in Brussels and co-president of the Alliance of Reformists and Conservatives (ECR) – one of the large far-right groups represented in Brussels, of which the Italian is president – did not want to confirm whether this would be the strategy of the Italian, an ardent Atlanticist who has often flirted with von der Leyen in recent days. But it suggests that, in any case, The brothers of Italy reject The European Union is moving down the same path European Integration that which is done and cannot be abandoned “Convergence” with Le Pen.One of the leaders of Identity and Democracy (ID, the second far-right European group in the European Parliament).

In addition to Meloni’s persistence in presenting himself as a moderate leader since Italy’s most right-wing government in its history came to power, Views of ECR They are, in fact, Quite radical. “We want a European Union that returns to its origins, that is, that it is an alliance of nations that does not impose decisions that should depend on the states,” says Procaccini, answering questions from El Periodico de Catalunya, from the same editorial group as this newspaper. “How do you do it? We will reject all corrections the treaties in a federalist sense (…) or, for example, the so-called green policies (…) the EU has appropriated Competencies Which it did not have, by attempting to standardise and centralise decisions that should be left to countries. “That was a tragic mistake,” he insists.


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