Top Gun Maverick: Beach Match Pendant. One of my world’s fans highlighted this detail, and Tom Cruise left three impressive impressions! – Actus Sine

Diffuse ce soir sur M6, “Top Gun: Maverick” presents a clever little clin d’oeil sonor à la premier film in these most emblematic scenes. L’avez-vous reconnu?

The second plus the great success of 2022 in the world, “Toujour Porte” by Tom Cruise 36 and after the original film, “Top Gun Maverick” conquers all nostalgic viewers in the new release, as well as époustouflante que rejouissante, truffée de re Ference et de Clins d’oeil au long métrage by Tony Scott.

Meme, when passers-by in the two films easily slowed down the revelation of the suite about the adventures of Maverick (scattered at the evening on the M6), they exist, and in this long meter there are small details that can be found on the Internet. You will find out what happens after the sortie.

This Easter egg is heard in the film during the episode with the pilots of the Top Gun school, a participant in the American football party on the beach before the mission, in an echo of the famous scene from the original film in Tom Cruise’s polish and other your beach volleyball assistants.

Sonoran Easter Egg

In this extra version, without long reprises, Emma’s name immediately noted that the scream of the executioner (Glen Powell) is the same as the heavenly Slider (Rick Rossovich) in the premiere film.

“My game of choice for the evening is the best sound for the volleyball scene in 1986’s Top Gun, which was the first for the football scene in Top Gun Maverick.”at-elle ainsi posté sur son compte X.

An astute observation made by director Eddie Hamilton, a film editing chef.

“It’s completely deliberate.”

“Emma, ​​I really like that you notice this. This is a small wedge d’oeil that is completely true to the original beach volleyball scene. Bravo, bien joué”he wrote a response to his tweet, which struck me as a Christopher McQuarrie/Tom Cruise realizer.

“Tom and my Avons are very impressive Lorsk Eddie, we are on the mountain with the pendant le petit-déjeuner ce matin”and then sent a implementer who worked on the last wish of the Mission: Impossible saga.

Have you highlighted any other parts caches in Top Gun: Maverick?

(Re)discover the film’s missteps and mistakes…

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