6 unexpected effects of eating pistachios every day

Frequent eating pistachios has several advantages For health thanks to its high fiber content and healthy fats. However, people suffering from disease People with chronic kidney disease should measure their intake to avoid kidney problems.

According to a study published last year on the German portal Statista, spanish houses 3.24 kilograms nuts per person.

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From almonds to walnuts, this product has become an important ingredient in many traditional recipes due to its properties. exquisite taste and perfect texture.

He pistachioin particular, is one of most consumed nuts in Spainas it is an excellent source of calcium, superior to foods such as milk and yogurt.

The Spanish Nutrition Foundation (FEN) guarantees that 100 grams of this dried fruit They contain 180 milligrams of calcium, while dairy products contain 142 milligrams.

However, not only Part what is consumed must be moderatenot exceeding 50 units per week, but some people need avoid frequent useas it may be harmful to your health.

What effect do pistachios have on the kidneys?

Those people who suffer chronic kidney disease They must control their consumption because pistachio contains potassium and phosphorus and kidneys They may have difficulty removing them.


Unexpected consequences of eating pistachios every day

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According to a study by the La Rioja Patient School, the body receives required energy and nutrients carry out daily activities from food.

Upon entering the body food are transformed and waste is formed, which is eliminated mainly through kidneys And digestive tract.

Besides, kidneys They regulate the concentration of other substances such as sodium, potassium, phosphorus and water. If kidneys do not work properly, these products accumulate and change internal levels organism.

What benefits do pistachios have for people without kidney disease?

For those who don’t have kidney problemsconsumption pistachios in his diet This can bring many benefits to your health:

  • Cardiovascular Health: They help lower LDL (“bad”) cholesterol and increase HDL (“good”) cholesterol, which improves heart health.
  • Weight control: Due to their high protein and fiber content, they promote satiety and help control appetite and weight.
  • Monitoring blood glucose levels: They have a low glycemic index, which helps maintain stable blood sugar levels.
  • Eye health: They contain lutein and zeaxanthin, antioxidants that help protect vision and may prevent age-related eye diseases.

  • Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties: Pistachios are rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds that help protect cells from damage and reduce inflammation in the body.
  • Iron levels: It is superior to foods with this mineral, such as lentils. This may be beneficial for pregnant women, the elderly and children, as they are the ones most affected by anemia.

This information is in no way a substitute for a doctor’s diagnosis or prescription. It is important to consult a specialist when symptoms appear and never self-medicate.

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