Apple is forced to admit that iPhones are becoming obsolete before Samsung and Google phones

For years, many users have chosen to buy an iPhone instead of a cell phone from another company for a simple reason: a priori, Apple phones last longer. Essentially, this widely held opinion has to do with the durability of the North American firm’s terminals, an aspect to which we must add the incredible variety of existing brands operating in the Android ecosystem, so not all of them offer good value for money. . price. However, thanks British regulatorWe already have the answer to the million dollar question: Which cell phone will last the longest?

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According to the French portal JeuxVideo V recent publicationApple had to admit that iPhones are becoming obsolete Too much faster than Google and Samsung phones. For many years, the North American firm had a particular dispute with the South Korean company because both compete for the crown of best-selling mobile phones. And while Google hasn’t yet been able to join the party, it is making efforts to catch up. We could see this situation if her statement about seven years durability becomes true.

Apple lags behind Samsung in system reliability

As the French portal reports in its publication, Ofcom (British regulator) forced some companies to determine minimum duration update support. To answer this question, Apple indicated that its smartphones have resistance 5 years, the period during which they guarantee to receive updates and other benefits. But unfortunately for your company, these numbers put you behind Google and Samsung.

In recent weeks, both Samsung and Google have announced their intention to protect 7 years of updates for your latest devices: Google Pixel 8 And Samsung Galaxy S24. Thus, both companies offer two more years than Apple. However, in the past we have already seen how some devices from the North American company reach 7 years of updatesjust like what happened with iPhone SE. So while Apple admits to offering updates for 5 years, sometimes it won’t hesitate to offer more.

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Main image: Thai Nguyen (Unsplash)

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