Putin lays out conditions for an “immediate” ceasefire with Ukraine and the European military industry collapses

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  • Call for withdrawal from the four occupied territories and resignation from NATO
  • If they agree, the conflict will stop with “immediate effect”
  • Arms companies fell by 5.5%

Alvaro Moreno

The European war industry’s stock market has fallen sharply while Putin speaks openly about his conditions for peace with Ukraine. The Russian president has said he would start negotiations if enemy troops withdrew from four eastern regions claimed by Russia. For his part, he would also ask them to renounce their membership in NATO, as he explained during a speech to foreign ministry officials this Friday.

The Russian president already commented in late May that he was ready for peace talks, but he always did so on the basis of previous agreements that ended in failure in the negotiations. The main reason was the senior Russian official being quoted your requests and demanded the return of the occupied territories. However, now the president has openly spoken of an immediate ceasefire, a prospect that was not on the negotiating table.

Terms must include total withdrawal Donetsk, Lugansk, Zaporizhia and Kherson, territories that were captured in the first months of the conflict. If this is done and Ukraine agrees not to join NATO, Putin has said that “we will do it immediately” (stop the conflict). It should be noted that this includes not only the conquered territory, but also all these provinces at the administrative level, which in many cases are under Ukrainian control. If Ukraine accepts it will give up 30% of its territory. In this sense, the president has made it clear that he is “fully willing to start negotiations without delay.” Already in the talks he said that he would seek a “neutral, non-bloc and non-nuclear” Ukraine.

At the moment, Ukraine has not responded to this last request, but it seems complicated because Ukraine has always defended its Recovery of these areas This represents a red line on the path to peace. In fact, Volodymyr Zelensky himself has defended that the “liberation of all occupied territories” is crucial and that any peace talks can only take place through the “withdrawal of all Russian forces from Ukraine”.

Even if no progress is made, this potential door leading to détente could result in the ruin of major European arms companies that have emerged strongly in the heat of the conflict. The French Thales fell to 5.35%, while the German Rehimental 3.5% do the same. For its part, the Italian firm, LeonardClear falls 4.5%, same path as British giant BAE Systems gives 4.05%. Indra is one of those who fell the least with a fall of 1.66%.

Putin’s comments came parallel to the G7 meeting in Italy which approved a $50 billion loan to Kiev using frozen Russian assets. The group’s members have agreed unanimously to decide that part of the $325 billion they have in ‘frozen’ Russian assets will be used.

The statements also come on the doorstep of the great peace summit in Ukraine this Saturday. More than 100 countries will meet in Switzerland tomorrow (Russia will not be there) A conference will try to support Ukraine and evaluate possible plans to reach a scenario in which the conflict will end through negotiations. This way all participants already know what the situation is in Russia.

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