Renowned Expert Explains the Truth About Canned Legumes

Popular nutritionist Aitor Sanchez Garcia answered one of the questions consumers ask most: “Are canned legumes as nutritious as dried legumes that you have to soak at home?”

The expert admits that “these doubts are very common because when we look at The nutritional value of bottled legumes is always lower to dried legumes.”

“But actually, This doesn’t mean they are less nutritious.. This means they are hydrated,” he explains. This means that “we took beans, chickpeas, lentils, and when we poured water over them, all their components were diluted.”

“That’s why they have less protein, less carbohydrates and fewer calories. It’s not that they have lost nutritional value.“is that we now take these legumes with a little water,” he emphasizes.

For this reason, he says that “they are a great choice, especially if we don’t have time”: “So I recommend that you always have them in your wardrobe.”

Sanchez also replied to a user who asked if canned vegetables should be washed: “Not necessarily, it depends on the type of recipe you’re making.”

“If you want them loose, like for a salad, that’s recommended. But if you’re going to make a curry or stew, you can add it straight from the jar.”clarifies.

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