National Cancer Research Center achieves record turnover

The National Cancer Research Center (Cnio) will increase sales sharply in 2023. Collaboration agreements with biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies on a global scale brought Cnio revenue of almost four million euros. which represents an increase of 66% over the previous year.. 36% of patents for inventions and developments of the center’s research groups were transferred to companies under licenses.

The significant increase in the number of patents licensed by the center and collaboration agreements with industry represents “an amazing achievement for a public research institution,” says Cnio Chief Innovation Officer Roque I. Oruezabal in the center’s 2023 annual report. which has just been published. The influence of the scientific output of this institution also exceeds that of previous years..

Cnio is a research center capable of producing chemical compounds based on its test results that could become potential new drugs. Researchers are identifying molecules that can be manipulated chemically and creating compounds that can achieve therapeutic effects. Once the patent is received, the industry will be able to continue developing them..

In 2023, Cnio was working on more than five families of new compounds. Last year, a compound from the center received designation from the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as a drug for a rare pediatric disease. for the treatment of neuroblastoma tumor.

That same year, a new company was born. spin off del Cnio, TNC Terapia, created in collaboration with the Biomedical Research Foundation of the 12 October Hospital (Fibh12O). Both institutions are co-owners of the Lumica technology, which uses precision nutrition as a therapeutic tool against cancer and is the result of the work of the Breast Cancer Clinical Research Unit led by Miguel A. Quintela.

The Gemelos Digitales precision oncology project for women’s cancer and the development of the IMPaCT_VUSCan platform to search for undiagnosed hereditary cancers, were beneficiaries of innovation assistance from the Spanish Research Agency last yearco-financed by European Next Generation funds.

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