AI: the path to early detection of breast cancer

AI has improved breast cancer detection after mammography screening, reducing radiologists’ workload without compromising quality. In addition, genetic advances make it possible to better identify risk even without family history.

Artificial intelligence (AI) has demonstrated high performance in detecting breast cancer up to two years after screening mammography and can help evaluate low-risk mammograms, thereby reducing radiologists’ workload without compromising program quality… + more.

AI: the path to early detection of breast cancer

AI has improved breast cancer detection after mammography screening, reducing radiologists’ workload without compromising quality. In addition, genetic advances make it possible to better identify risk even without family history. + read more

90% of CRC can be cured through early detection

Population screening is more effective than opportunistic screening but faces difficulties in participation. SEPD promotes health education and integration of levels of care to improve early diagnosis and screening program coverage. + read more

AI demonstrates its usefulness in detecting breast cancer

The breast imaging team at SERAM publishes a paper suggesting that incorporating artificial intelligence support helps in breast cancer screening. + read more

Breast cancer: the most diagnosed tumor in pregnant, lactating and postpartum women

Every year in Spain, about 5,000 women are diagnosed with so-called postpartum breast cancer, which has its own clinical characteristic, which refers to cancer that occurs up to 10 years after becoming a mother and is the subject of the new GEICAM research area. . + read more

The relevance of searching for new biomarkers to predict response to treatment of triple-negative breast cancer

The inclusion of immunotherapy in the treatment of this tumor subtype, which is the most aggressive and has fewer therapeutic options, has produced mixed results in terms of efficacy, highlighting the importance of finding new markers that will help determine response to this therapy. + read more

Radiologist, indispensable in the approach to breast pathology

They carry out all additional tests if identified and changed and are involved in planning, monitoring, treatment and reviews. + read more

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