Spain’s plan to drill through this mountain to produce new energy that will turn the world upside down

He essence This release is called white hydrogen or white H2. Near a new energy superior to the rest of hydrogen and discovered as a gas in large underground deposits. It has high performance as a fuel and is a renewable energy that can be used in several projects.

Well, the opening The large reserves of this new energy in the Pyrenees present an excellent opportunity for Spain to become one of the first countries to trade this fuel, both for its own use and for its exploitation. This discovery could lead to the creation of good alliances with other countries that would greatly benefit Spain.

In fact, France has already given permission to our country to extract this material, which will become the first country to create a well for producing white hydrogen. Regarding the quantity, It is estimated that the discovered reserve could contain at least 100 million tons of this energy, which will be extracted over a period of approximately 60 years. It is also expected that helium and other substances will be produced during the same operation.

And to top it all off, it seems that The surface area required to construct facilities is significantly less than the area used to generate other forms of clean energy, such as wind or solar, to produce similar energy.. A truly encouraging find for everyone.

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