Swiss peace summit refrains from attacks on Russia but defends Ukraine’s territorial integrity and condemns the use of nuclear and food security as a weapon

The draft agreement avoids attacks on Russia in order to avoid insults that would prevent its participation in the process. The text does not have unanimous support from the participating countries.

It was a sunny day on Sunday Bürgenstock. Herds of cows graze peacefully in the grasslands, while vans and buses carrying world leaders and journalists stop at various police checkpoints. Swiss Peace Summit About this Ukraine is facing its last day of work, in which an agreement has been reached for a document that reflects the issues discussed in these 48 hours. A text whose support is unanimous among the countries participating in the conclave, and whose latest two-page draft on which the leaders have worked and to which EL MUNDO has had access, contains the attacks that have been made RussiaIn fact, this country is not mentioned, to avoid humiliation that would prevent the participation of Putin’s people in the future process.

For example, there is talk of “war”, but not of “aggression”, a term used by several countries attending the summit and a term used Volodymyr Zelensky.In fact, this meaning appeared in some of the latest drafts exchanged by the leaders.

The text claims to contain “the principles of sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of all States Ukrainewithin its internationally recognised limits, including territorial waters, and the resolution of disputes by peaceful means as per the principles of international law.” This mention is important because Putin This week he presented his conditions for peace, among which he demanded international recognition Crimea And Sevastopol As a Russian region. Russia was not formally invited to the summit.

“Ukrainian troops must completely withdraw from the territories of the People’s Republic donetskPeople’s Republic of Luhansk, Kherson And Zaporizhia” the Russian leader added in a televised speech. Russia announced its intention to occupy these four regions in the east and south of Ukraine in 2022, while not having full control over any of them.

The draft is a text that supports Ukraine, to some extent supporting the claims Zelenskybut with very careful and measured vocabulary. Diplomatic practice. In fact, the speeches of the participants in the plenary sessions have been harsher and more forceful than the final declaration. “Peace is not surrender,” has been a repeated message. This Sunday, among others, for Georgia MeloniItalian leader.

Austrian Chancellor Karl NehammerAccording to a Reuters report, it is anticipated that the final announcement will not receive unanimous support.

Georgia Meloni, on reaching the summit. Michael Buholzer / Pool

The declaration on which the leaders were working till the last moment includes three points in which they have said that neither nuclear security nor food security can become a weapon of war. The first agreed point states, “Any threat or use of nuclear weapons in the context of the ongoing war against Ukraine is unacceptable.” “Food security should not become a weapon of any kind.”

The third and final point calls for prisoners of war to be “fully released. All illegally deported and displaced Ukrainian children, and all other Ukrainian citizens who were illegally detained, must be returned to Ukraine.”

The word Russia is mentioned only once, in the first sentence of the text, but to describe what is discussed at this summit: “the ongoing war Russian Federation The war against Ukraine continues to cause massive human suffering and destruction, and poses risks and crises for the world with global consequences.”

Because the purpose of this meeting was to lay the foundations for a future peace project, negotiations, but the hundred delegations that met knew that this could only be done by involving the future Russia.So, most leaders have emphasized this issue and the debates that have been addressed have been on issues that have built consensus and avoided a major confrontation with Russia.

In fact, the final declaration calls on all parties to join in the peace effort. “We believe that the achievement of peace requires the participation of all parties and dialogue between them. Therefore, we have decided to take concrete measures in the future in the above areas, with greater commitment from representatives of all parties.”


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