Lawyer José Rodríguez Elizondo said of the dispute over the Argentine military base on Chilean territory: “It is very serious”

Chilean lawyer Jose Rodriguez Elizondo talks about the dispute over an Argentine military base on Chilean territory. Credit: CNN

Jose Rodriguez Elizondo, Prominent lawyer and winner of the National Prize for Humanities and Social Sciences in 2021, as well as former Chilean ambassador to Israel during the government of Eduardo Frei Ruiz-Tagle (1997-2000), he said in an interview with the program. zero tolerance Of CNN The recent dispute over a series of solar panels installed at an Argentine military base on the southern border with Chile, which were “accidentally” placed three metres inside Chilean territory, is a “very serious” situation.

on 29th April Argentine Army inaugurated the “Maritime Traffic Surveillance and Control Post Milestone 1”right on the border that divides the country from Chile in the middle of Patagonia. However, some solar panels Bills used to provide electricity were passed three meters In Chilean territory, discomfort arose in the government of Gabriel Boric, who formally claimed Pink House,

“This is a very delicate issue, which Top-level diplomatic talent needed” commented Rodríguez Elizondo, underlining the seriousness of the situation from a historical perspective. Likewise, he recalled the context of the tension that has historically characterized the relationship between Chile and Argentina, including the 1978 naval conflict known as the Ibero-Argentina conflict. “Beagle Clash”,

“This is very serious from a historical point of view, because different excuses have been used to reach this geopolitical situation,” he said.

Rodríguez Elizondo also noted the complexity of Chile’s regional relations, citing challenges Venezuela, Nicaragua and BoliviaAt the same time, the struggle Brazil and Peru,

The Argentine Navy has deployed its forces in the middle of Patagonia, on the exact border dividing the country with Chile.
The Argentine Navy inaugurated the “Hito 1 maritime traffic monitoring and control post” on the exact border that divides the country with Chile, in the middle of Patagonia. However, some of the solar panels used to provide electricity went up to three meters into Chilean territory.

“We learned some time ago that Argentina had installed solar panels on Chilean territory while setting up a military base in the Patagonia region. We have received an apology from the Argentine Foreign Ministry, but I would like to tell you this clearly Borders are not something that can be vague and this is a fundamental principle of respect between countries and so they should remove those solar panels as soon as possible or we are going to do this.“, he pointed Boric In statements given to the press.

“I mentioned this to the (Argentine) president, Xavier) Miley. He told me he is going to send it to his foreign minister,” Diana Mondino, Boric said. The two leaders met each other during the Ukraine peace summit held in Switzerland last weekend, which aimed to pave the way for a solution to end the conflict with Russia.

“I think we are not going to have any problems in this regard (…) What we demand is that it be solved in the shortest possible time and I insist; if not, we are going to do it,” warned the Chilean president.

According to the Argentine Defense Ministry, the naval personnel left today for the “maritime traffic surveillance and control post Hito 1” in the province of Tierra del Fuego (South). Remove military paraphernalia this TuesdayUsed to provide electricity to the base.

The solar panels installed on the Argentine Navy's Milestone 1 will be removed
The solar panels installed on the Argentine Navy’s Milestone 1 will be removed

he was the one “illusion”, an “involuntary error””, because the area has two types of fences that separate the border between the two countries and those who installed it were guided by a dividing line within Chile.

For his part, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Chile, Alberto Van Klaveren“The President did not mention the intentions that Argentina or the company that effectively installed the panels on Chilean territory might have,” reported . What basically matters is that a facility is in Chilean territory and the President was very clear in requesting its immediate removal. Either from the Argentine side or, if it is not possible, from our side, according to the Chilean newspaper, and at the same time he recalled the importance of relations between the two countries. third,

The Argentine Foreign Ministry indicated to the agency that the Argentine Embassy in Chile sent a note last week acknowledging the error and assuring that they would proceed immediately to install the panels as soon as weather conditions were favorable. EFE,

The Argentine ambassador to Chile, Jorge Faury, admitted in statements to Chilean radio that “it is not an impressive job, some solar panels have been installed, but they did not check carefully what the coordinates that marked the border were.” BioBio,

The material was donated to Milestone 1 by the Mirgor Foundation and TotalEnergies and installed by the latter to provide renewable energy in an area where the Argentine Navy exercises sovereignty control over the territorial sea.

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