Brussels leaders meeting ends without political consensus on senior EU officials

The informal summit of EU leaders in Brussels ended without agreement on the distribution of senior community posts and political groups continue to play their cards. The formal summit will take place between 27 and 28 June.


27 leaders of European Union They were unable to reach a formal agreement on Monday Political leadership of the faction For the next five years, although the current President of the European Commission, Ursula von der LeyenStill aims to re-validate its mandate.

The European Union Heads of State and Government met Brussels for the first time since European elections For making balance of results And Discussion on potential candidates for three important posts. In addition Presidency of the European Commission is at stake European Unionwhere the former Portuguese Prime Minister Antonio Costa started as the favorite, and the lead position of High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Policyso that the one who is in the pool is the prime minister of Estonia, Kaja Callas,

But the present Chairman of the Council Mr. Charles Mitchelltold reporters around midnight that “there was no agreement”, stressing that the leaders recognised their “duty” to reach a decision by the end of June. Michel said, “They will have to work very hard to make sure there will be an agreement.”

Diplomats had earlier expressed hope that a political agreement could be reached in time for Monday Formal EU summit Day 27th and 28th June,

Earlier in the evening, the conservative European People’s Party (EPP) unveiled a Hidden card has rolled up its sleeves in an attempt to divide the next two-and-a-half years of the term of the European Union Between a socialist and one of our own.

with von der LeyenThe EPP’s main candidate, in first place to secure a second term as head of the Community Executive, and Roberta Metsola (also from the EPP) Favourite to remain as President of the European Parliament, a likely scenario would see the EPP in charge of three of the four most important positions in Brussels.

There is still much to discuss

There was an informal summit in Brussels on Monday First face-to-face meeting of Heads of State and Government Since the elections were held at the beginning of the month, politicians have been engaged in the traditional game of tug of war to try and push their pawns and allocate power based on the results Main positions community.

Von der Leyen is the first woman to lead the executive since announcing her candidacy for re-election in February. It has been a huge favourite. During the campaign, he attracted attention for his stance against the far-right Georgia Meloni, which angered progressives.

But Comfortable victory for the EPP (190 MEPs) This reduced Meloni’s importance in the equation and allowed her to change her tune. In a distant second were Socialists and Democrats (S&D), with 136 seats.The group could see how one of its most recognisable faces, former Portuguese Prime Minister António Costa, takes the reins of the European Council after Charles Michel, although as Michel himself announced last night, there is still much to discuss.

Although the Council is chaired by lacks legislative powersThe global crises that have affected the bloc over the past five years have increased its political relevance and media exposure, turning it into a grouping. Prestigious Awards to the center-left.

Corruption shadow forces Antonio Costa to resign as Portugal’s Prime Minister

However, Costa’s promotion will also come with a question mark: His stay in power is cut short in November 2023when he resigned after several members of his cabinet were accused of corruption and influence peddling in the concession of lithium mining, green hydrogen and data center projects. The case raised suspicions that Costa made some of these irregular businesses possible, and he has yet to be acquitted by a Portuguese judge.

However, shortly after his resignation, prosecutors admitted they had confused António Costa’s name in a wiretap transcript with that of Economy Minister António Costa Silva. This and others Errors have undermined the judicial caseThere was an assumption among diplomats in Brussels that Costa’s name would eventually be cleared.

Meanwhile, liberals Renew Europewhich fell dramatically from 102 to 80 seats, managed to put on the table the possibility of what is the status of? EU’s top diplomatic representative fall into the hands By Estonian Prime Minister Kaja KallasA leading figure in the bloc’s response to the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

Initially it was believed that Kailash was too outspoken and tough for this positionwhich is to act as a common voice of the 27 member countries before the international community. But doubts about his suitability were diminishing and his name, which had previously been linked to the post of NATO Secretary General, is gaining a growing number of followers.

Despite his prominence, the High Representative is inherently limited by the principle of unanimity that governs EU foreign policy. Kailash can take his place For Spanish Josep BorrellWho are often accused of working off script.

The distribution should reflect the political diversity of the bloc

With the debate likely to be resolved in favour of von der Leyen, Costa and Kallas for the top posts, EU leaders will try The distribution reflects the political and geographical diversity of the block And maintain balance between men and women.

In addition, Costa, whose father was half French-Mozambican and half Indian, would become The first non-white person to hold high office in history of the block.

This distribution of powers and balances would also create a Hint to central parties, Who stood strongly in the polls and defied predictions of a rise in the far right. Von der Leyen has reached out to socialists and liberals Building a strong, pro-European coalition that can last for the next five years. Negotiations are still ongoing.

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