FLEETING BACTERIA JAPAN | These are the ‘flesh-eating bacteria’ that are spreading across Japan: risk of multiple organ failure in just 48 hours

He streptococcus (Streptococcus) type A causes a significant number of infections in Japan this is the type common bacteria which is usually present, especially in throat and skin. It can cause different infections and at different levels, and although they usually do not lead to serious complications, they range from mild to more severe symptoms that can be fatal. In recent days, everyone in Japan has been talking about this bacterium.

Japanese health authorities have warned the country that the disease is spreading rapidly. bacterial infectionalso known as the “flesh-eating disease”, which has caused hundreds of cases in the Japanese country over the past three months.

What are “cannibal bacteria”?

The treatment is also called streptococcal toxic shock syndrome it with antibiotics (penicillin or amoxicillin) and there are no problems with resistance. These are your possible sources of infection.

Streptococci are mainly transmitted through the air or through direct contact with secretions from the nose or throat of infected people. It is not a particularly contagious disease, especially if the infected person has no symptoms, but it can still occur when an already infected person coughs or sneezes.

Another route of infection is contact with contaminated objects. For example, a contaminated object that children put in their mouth has a higher risk of infection. Therefore, in the event of a possible incident, it is extremely important to take hygiene measures.

The chance of infection is higher if a person has a rash or sores on the skin, as those with cuts on the skin or surgical wounds are most at risk of contracting the bacteria. Chickenpox can also pose a risk of infection. Using medications such as steroids or suffering from chronic diseases such as cancer, diabetes and kidney dialysis also means greater exposure to these bacteria.

This type of infection can lead to more complex illnesses such as scarlet fever, impetigo, or toxic shock syndrome in less common cases. Group A streptococcal bacteria can be treated with common antibiotics such as penicillin, which is used in mild to severe cases.

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