Do you have an EVO account? Here’s what happens when an organization goes out of business

After changing hands several times, Evo Banco disappears forever.. The company will be absorbed by Bankinter, its current owner, who will take over the management of its clients and employees. This final farewell includes ceasing commercial use of the Evo brand until it no longer disappears. So, what happens now to customers who have accounts, loans or obligations with the bank?

Evo has sent an email to its users to try to clarify the current situation. and what will happen next. In a letter signed by Eduardo Osaita, CEO of EVO Banco, the organization reviews what has happened in recent days.

“I am contacting you to inform you of a matter of particular relevance to EVO Banco, regarding its relationship with the Bankinter group, to which, as you know, we have belonged for more than five years, and which will entail additional benefits for clients. Boards of Directors of Evo Banco and Bankinter. at their last meeting they decided to fully integrate Evo Banco into the Bankinter structurewith the aim of maximizing the synergies between both organizations and thereby accelerating the digital transformation of the Group as a whole,” he notes.

In this sense, the head of the company assures that this is an operation that will benefit the group’s clients and “opens up a process whose administrative, legal, etc. aspects.” Bank expects to complete integration with Bankinter, expected in the first half of 2025 and will report “by the way” about the news.

Customers will continue to use Evo products

For now, Ozaita explains that everything will remain the same for bank customers until the transaction is completed. “At the moment nothing is changing for our clients, so You will continue to use EVO products and services today. Once the integration is completed, you will become a Bankinter customer for all purposes,” the email reads.

It is at that moment that users will have access to the “best of both sides”, both in terms of products and services, which will expand, and in the channels of relationship with the bank, since Bankinter is an omnichannel bank. This way, customers can continue to interact with the bank digitally, as they do in Evo, and If at any time they need it, they can use the other channels that Bankinter provides to its clients.

“This operation represents the culmination of a successful five-year trajectory from the acquisition of EVO by Bankinter to date, a phase in which We’ve achieved a differentiated value proposition for customers, and now it’s time to increaseintegrating us into Bankinter,” notes the CEO, who thanks clients for the trust they have placed in them.

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