According to the Ministry of Health, the risk of contracting measles in Spain is low, despite the explosive increase in cases in Europe.

The Center for the Coordination of Health Alerts and Emergency Situations (CCAES), led by Fernando Simon, conducted an assessment of the risk of infection measles in Spain due to a “significant increase” in infections at European and global levels. For example, in the EU more 10,000 cases over the past three months, especially in Romania.

In Spain, 14 cases were registered in 2023, of which 7 were imported; they were identified this year. 123 infected (and up to 249 suspected) and more than 20 outbreaks. In addition, transmission of the virus has been observed in health care settings. With this in mind, communities such as Catalonia have decided to promote vaccination against the disease in Born 1966-1980, years when measles vaccination was not included in calendars.

He The Ministry of Health welcomes the efforts of competent administrations to maintain high levels of vaccination coverage, especially among vulnerable populations that may contribute to the transmission of measles; but launched encouraging message. According to CCAES, risk The incidence rate in the general population is “low” because the average vaccination coverage against this virus exceeds 90% with 2 doses and 95% with 1 dose. For this reason, Spain is in a situation measles elimination since 2016.


However, as the Center for the Coordination of Health Alerts and Emergency Situations acknowledged, “it is predictable that the likelihood of infection of the population living in Spain”, on national territory or in the context of international travel, “will increase” due to the increase in incidence worldwide. With this in mind, he calls on communities to “maintain a high level of detection capabilities and early implementation of public health measures,” especially among groups of unvaccinated people or those who have not previously had the disease.

In this group, as the Ministry of Health emphasizes, transmission of infection occurs especially among workers from other countries and who work in the agricultural sector, who move between communities. For this reason, the government calls on territorial administrations to redouble efforts to vaccinate unvaccinated populations and acknowledges that “as long as high incidence situations persist in some European countries, cases and outbreaks are expected to continue to appear in the population.” does not provide immunity” against measles. The Center for the Coordination of Alerts and Health Emergencies (CCAES), led by Fernando Simon, assessed the risk of measles in Spain due to a “significant increase” in the number of infections in Spain. European level and global. For example, in the EU more 10,000 cases over the past three months, especially in Romania.

In Spain, 14 cases were registered in 2023, of which 7 were imported; they were identified this year. 123 infected (and up to 249 suspected) and more than 20 outbreaks. In addition, transmission of the virus has been observed in health care settings. With this in mind, communities such as Catalonia have decided to promote vaccination against the disease in Born 1966-1980, years when measles vaccination was not included in calendars.

The Ministry of Health welcomes the efforts of competent administrations to maintain high levels of vaccination coverage, especially among vulnerable populations that may contribute to the transmission of measles; but launched encouraging message. According to CCAES, risk The incidence rate in the general population is “low” because the average vaccination coverage against this virus exceeds 90% with 2 doses and 95% with 1 dose. For this reason, Spain is in a situation measles elimination since 2016.


However, as the Center for the Coordination of Health Alerts and Emergency Situations acknowledged, “it is predictable that the likelihood of infection of the population living in Spain”, on national territory or in the context of international travel, “will increase” due to the increase in incidence worldwide. With this in mind, he calls on communities to “maintain a high level of detection capabilities and early implementation of public health measures,” especially among groups of unvaccinated people or those who have not previously had the disease.

In this group, as the Ministry of Health emphasizes, transmission of infection occurs especially among workers from other countries and who work in the agricultural sector, who move between communities. For this reason, the Government calls on the territorial administrations to redouble their efforts to vaccinate unvaccinated populations and acknowledges that “while high incidence remains in some European countries, cases and outbreaks are expected to continue to occur in populations that are not immune” to measles.

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