Sugar-flavored sweetener will double your risk of heart attack: what is it?

He pure xylitol It is a white crystalline substance similar to sugar and is used to sweeten desserts, beverages, chewing gum and sugar-free candies.

He xylitol He sweetener replacement low sugar calories: has the same sweetness and volume as sucrosebut he provides 40% less caloriess (concentrates at about 2.4 kcal/g).

European Food Safety Authority And World Health Organization approved use xylitol for food purposes, in pharmaceutical and oral care products, setting the limit 400 grams per day.

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However one new research questions healthy effect of this substance. According to a study published in the journal European Journal of CardiologyHe xylitol may increase the risk of developing myocardial infarction or stroke (AKV).

Below everyone investigation details it puts the safety of it at the forefront sweetener as a sugar substitute.

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What is xylitol

He xylitol This sugar alcohol which naturally occurs in fruits and vegetabless, and even body produces it at very low levels, but sometimes it is generated synthetic.

He xylitoljust like mannitol and sorbitol, it is a sweetener that is used in the preparation of various food for people with diabetesas a replacement sucrosebecause it’s not necessary insulin for your metabolism, so it doesn’t cause spikes in blood glucose levels after meal.

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In this sense, products that include xylitol They are marked “no sugar”, “for diabetics” or “low carb“. One of them is processed foodssuch as sweets and baked goods that carry the legend of “low sugar”

In this regard it is sweetener It is used to replace sugarbecause it provides 40% less calories than regular sugar.

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Xylitol, a sweetener under scientific scrutiny

Research published in European Journal of Cardiology assumes that consumption xylitol This is especially troubling for people with diabetes or obesity.

They have a higher risk of infection cardiovascular diseases, So, when replacing sugar with this guy sweetenerWithout knowing it, they may further increase the likelihood of suffering heart disease.

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Where did this come from? According to research, people with high levels of xylitol in your body, doubles your risk of heart attack, stroke or death in the next three years compared to those who received lower doses in the body.

The researchers came to this conclusion after analyzing the sample fasting blood plasma more 3000 participants.

ABOUT, Stanley Hazen the author of the study stated that people with diabetes or obesity “Maybe they think they’re doing healthy choice choosing xylitol instead of sugar, but The data shows that this is not the case.“.

haze He is also director of the Division of Cardiovascular and Metabolic Sciences at the Lerner Research Institute at the Cleveland Clinic.

Xylitol, a sweetener under scientific scrutiny

How does xylitol affect the heart?

It should be noted that this study does not definitively indicate that sugar alcoholsbut how xylitolare directly responsible for ensuring that a person can have a heart attack. The study explains that consumption of this sweetener Connected with higher risk of cardiovascular disease.

In this sense, it is necessary to deepen these relations, because investigation did not follow diet participants with whom it is possible that others food may also affect cardiovascular riskand even attributed to the natural synthesis of one’s own body.

Regarding this preliminary conclusion, David Ludwigendocrinologist at Boston Children’s Hospital, explains that it is possible “He xylitol entails some risks compared to nothing, but the risks are lower than if they were consumed same amount of sugar“.

In conclusion, you need to wait more concrete results where is everyone variablesTo give final verdict.

This information in no way replaces a doctor’s diagnosis or prescription. It is important to consult a specialist when symptoms appear and never self-medicate.

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