Causes of ageusia or loss of sense of taste

“They didn’t turn out very well, these torries don’t look like anything else! They’re doughy and earthy!” – Martha commented in the kitchen of her house. The truth is that the dessert was delicious as always, but after contracting Covid-19 he became ill. ageusia. That is, he could not taste the food. Despite this, he found the texture of torrija, a pasty dough coated with cinnamon powder and sugar crystals, that his brain found unpleasant.


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To her surprise, Martha was not alone: ​​throughout 2020 and 2021, a large number of people around the world suffered to a greater or lesser extent from the same symptoms that she described in the kitchen of her home.

Ageusia or loss of taste is neurological symptom in which, as a rule, the neurons responsible for transmitting signals from taste buds to the brain stop working correctly. Although there are people who suffer from it from birth, this symptomatology has become especially relevant after the increase in the number of cases of ageusia caused by Viral infection COVID-19.

There has now been progress in knowledge about the mechanisms underlying this symptom, but some questions still remain unanswered. Therefore, to understand why ageusia occurs, the first thing you need to do is understand what is taste

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To imagine taste bud It’s best to think of an orange. If we peel an orange, we will see that it has different segments and a slit in the middle. In the taste bud, several neurons combine to form “segments” of orange and form a lump on the tongue with a small funnel-shaped hole in the middle. The taste bud funnel, called taste timefilled with a special liquid in which the chemicals of everything that enters our mouth can diffuse.

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