‘Breathtaking’, British series about Covid: hard to believe, but this is what we live in

Valencia. I have seen two audiovisual products about Covid. The first was a comedy in January 21, upheaval.Produced by the BBC as a Christmas special, I thought it was okay, it wasn’t overly brutal either, as British black comedies usually are, but it was light years ahead of what these come to pay for. The sad part was that Christmas in the United Kingdom was particularly brutal, the second wave made them harsher.

Maybe I knew about that detail at the time, but I forgot. Watching the series BreathtakingWhere they particularly affect meetings on those dates were initially permitted by the Government as part of a scheme called the “Christmas Bubble”.

This is the most interesting part of the series, the political mistakes. Not only because of how tragic they were, after all, no one was prepared for what happened, but also because of the way they were committed. Even more stubborn than one with inflexible chains of command and middle managers. Eva,

This is something I can’t help but smile about with some sadness. It was exactly the same here, at least at the media level. I don’t know what happened inside the hospitals, but here the virus was politicized from the very beginning. I don’t know if it was because Colau have lost mobile Because of the pandemic and blew the whistle to say that this way forward was an exaggeration. From then on, the virus was from the extreme right, they created fear of closing the borders to immigrants and refugees and everything was a trick because, in reality, it was like the flu.

The journalists who repeated it on television without verifying anything or chose to remain silent because of the suspicion that they did not know very well what they were talking about, even if they were by profession, have a bad conscience. Allologist. You don’t have to be a communications professional to see where the shots were going, anyone with a network could see that when they were repeating “it’s just a flu” in Italy they were already deciding who was going to the ICU. I also remember “if you come from a risk area and you don’t have symptoms, live a normal life”, although at the time nobody knew anything about asymptomatic people.

Meanwhile, in England they also had contradictory orders. In the series they treat only those who have a travel history. When the doctors realize that the general public is starting to get affected, the middle management on duty cannot get over the fact whether these are “orders from above” or reality itself. There is a particularly harsh scene in this sense, when a doctor is refused a mask to treat a patient with obvious symptoms of Covid, because, not having come from abroad, it was officially believed that he could not have the disease.

The lack of protective equipment and its consequences, such as the fact that there were patients arrested who could not be resuscitated, is also particularly dramatic. Nurses and hospital staff who dress in garbage bags, as happened here, are also some scenes that bring back very bitter memories.

It is scary to see how the first FFP3 masks do not have the width for women and how they advise the doctor to buy it on Amazon, which at that time, just a few weeks after the confinement, cost 300 pounds. At the same time, the politicians on television throw the ball away. They say there is plenty of protective equipment, but there may be “different deliveries”. It is as if they made Its thickness Indirect about this period.

Apart from these episodes with the administration as the main actor, death dominates the rest of the headlines. This series is a series of deaths. We already know what they were like in agony, suffocation and the loneliness of the hospital. Without being able to have their family or loved ones close to them or say goodbye to them.

There are so many, even for a horror series they would be too many, but breathe This is not the genre, this is an adaptation of a book Rachael Clarkepalliative care physician, a memoir. Real facts. However, in order not to cite names or medical cases that actually occurred, what has been done is to synthesize what happens in the play into the experiences of the hospital emergency team.

Another narrative thread is that of people who believe Facebook rumors and think the virus does not exist. Medical personnel have to eat protesters at the door of the hospital, spit on them and shout that the virus is a hoax. Here you can see the particular pain with the experiences, and it can be seen that the author of the memoir took the blame on himself. The pandemic may have been unexpected, but what is even more unexpected is that there were many sections of the population who did not believe it.

Another strong point is that this series is written by three doctors, one of them, Jed MercurioWith extensive experience as a screenwriter. Abby’s character, who plays the author of the book, decides to break it Omerta He rules and denounces the NHS. The middle manager on duty warned him: “The NHS eats whistleblowers alive, don’t go.” He received a call as he left the radio studio. However, those who claim to have everything under control get nothing when they get nothing. Or just one: this series. It seems that we have already overcome everything like the pandemic, but no. It’s sad to see this.


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