According to this study, if you buy an electric car, you will save as much as buying another (used) car.

06/23/2024 10:30

Updated 06/23/2024 11:07

Major brands have been working for years to bring to market the long-awaited “low-cost electric car” that will solve urban emissions problems once and for all. However, potential EV buyers are often reluctant to buy one due to its higher price compared to its gasoline counterpart.

These potential clients usually stop at the price itself, without considering the possibility of a long-term purchase; that is, explore the possible savings that the purchase of the specified vehicle will entail in terms of fuel costs or repairs and inspections. However, in a new report published by the agency NewAutomotive points out important figures on this matter.

Thermal cars are more attractive in terms of immediate price, but lose in the long term.

A study that reveals a lot of important data

This report indicates that long-awaited price equality or parity between an equivalent gasoline car and an electric vehicle will be achieved in 2026. However, the additional upfront cost of purchasing an electric vehicle was only 12% higher than that of an electric vehicle. similar gasoline, and not 50%, as was seen in some rumors (especially those published in X).

However, for other related sections or expenses, over a total of four years, an electric car is already significantly more affordable than a gasoline car. In particular, these above-mentioned additional costs, In 30% of the cases studied, it was amortized in less than a year., and in 25% recovery occurred in less than two and a half years. The remaining 45% did so in four years or less.

That is, after a maximum of four years, the additional costs associated with the purchase of an electric car will already be profitable compared to the price of an equivalent thermal car. This means that after four years of use, the average user will at best be able to save about 8300 euros (the study says it costs around £7,000). However, in the worst case, they will also achieve significant savings, since it will about 3500 euros.

Buying an electric car can bring savings of up to 8,300 euros.

But the study not only talks about economic savings, but also the important elimination of greenhouse gas emissions in large cities, where most of the pollution problems arise from exhaust fumes from the vehicles that pass through them every day. The report also talks about need to include more and more ZBE (Low Emission Zones) in various cities where the movement of thermal vehicles is restricted. These areas represent important support for the adoption of electric vehicles.

However, compared to this positive research regarding the purchase of electric vehicles, there are others that suggest that in order to encourage such a purchase, it is necessary that In countries such as Spain, the number of public charging stations is increasing.. In this regard, our country currently lags behind most regions of the European Union, so they note that it is necessary to act.

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