Was Genevieve de Fontenay abused by her son Xavier? This is the proposal of Adele’s little daughter, who did not agree for a long time

Dans le monde médiatique et plus particulièrement, celui de la mode, in retrospect iconic figures not Genevieve de Fontenay. In any case, this world around cameras can be avoided some aspects are negative.

These negative aspects can cause a fait accompli. exposed to the names of rumors. Moreover, le fait que sa vie familiare soit rendue is constantly published. Les petites-filles de Geneviève de Fontenay with proceeds sur rumors of cheating de leur père envers leur grand-mère.

Genevieve de Fontenay is a French fashion icon.

Genevieve de Fontenay is united French fashion icon. She continues and traces the Miss France pendant around the world for the symbolic introductory part and to become the President of the Miss France Committee plus 25 years. As a result, “ “lady in a hat” This is the name of prestigious beauty pageants from 1981 to 2007. This is a suite created are the property of the beauty contest I received the title of Miss Prestige National. Elle est also continues to operate in France for participation and sociopolitical conditions.

In the company, Genevieve de Fontenay was married to Louis Poirot, who died in 1981. She had two children: Louis, born in 1954, and Xavier, who died in 1961. grand-mère of two young women : Adele and Agathe de Fontenay, Xavier’s girls. After all, the Fontenay family is at the center of rumors of abuse of their children. income from offers now.

Les petites-filles de la Principal Interessee ont laissé sous-understand the lors de leur reaction to malignity. The relationship of the lady in the hat with Adele and Agatha, Xavier’s daughters, this très fusionnelle.

Les petites-filles de Geneviève de Fontenay, Adele et Agathe entertain the relationship très fusionnelle with leur grand-mère.

Photo credit: Capture d’écran Instagram / @adele.defontenay Les petites-filles de Geneviève de Fontenay, Adele et Agathe, entretenaient une relations très fusionnelle avec leur grand-mère.

Genevieve de Fontenay is confident in her relationship, after the media Gala, avant son déces. Elle avait indicated “Je suis très fière d’elles. Between us, I love you, role of my mommy ». Les jeunes filles avaient aussi raconté “du côté maternel, in the spirit of the great tradition, je dirais”; et du côté paternel, on Genevieve with the fact that actually tricks plus fun ».

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