now supports 110 new languages

  • Google Translate Now Supports Cantonese and Manx

  • AI played a key role in adding new languages

Google’s Gemini family of artificial intelligence models has been in the spotlight in recent months, but they aren’t the only important models. Palm 2launched in May 2023, it features strong multilingual capabilities and currently provides around twenty technology company services.

Google Translate just took advantage of PaLM 2. According to a blog post from the Sundar Pichai-led company, the model has enabled the addition of 110 new languages ​​to the service. While Google has been gradually introducing new languages ​​for years, this is the largest expansion to date.

More languages ​​for Google Translate

Although among the most widely spoken languages ​​we find English, Chinese, Hindi and Spanish, there are many other languages ​​in the world. For this reason, Google Translate now supports Cantonese, one of the languages most in demand users – to the Isle of Man, which is the Celtic language of the Isle of Man.

The search giant claims that these new languages ​​represent more than 614 million inhabitants, about 8% of the world’s population. It should be noted that while some languages ​​are very popular, others are very little known and spoken in small indigenous communities.

There are also languages ​​whose native speakers are almost gone, but efforts to revive them are being taken into account. At this stage, it is worth emphasizing the benefits of technology, which opens up the possibility of translation into a wide range of languages. beyond its popularity. And as we say, PaLM 2 played a key role.

Google’s AI model has been used to effectively identify which languages ​​are closely related to each other, such as Awadhi and Marwadi, and thus support new variants. Of course, there’s still a lot of work to do, and the company promises to continue adding more languages ​​over time.

New languages ​​are now available in Google Translate, although not all have the same benefits. Features like camera translation Mobile phone, voice translation or read aloud may not be available in many supported languages.

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