Kaja Kallas, the Baltic ‘iron lady’ and Putin opponent who will replace Borrell as head of EU diplomacy

In a decision that has marked the European political scene, the leader of The European Union has announced new appointments Hint. Ursula von der Leyen, known for her conservative stance and vast German political experience, remains head of the European Commission. In the European Council, former Portuguese Prime Minister Antonio Costa, known for his socialist leanings, plays a strategic leadership role.

One of the most important changes occurs in the position of the EU’s High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, previously held by Josep Borrell. This important role will now be held by the Prime Minister of Estonia. Kaja CallasA well-known lawyer and former European parliamentarian who has had a strong stance against Russia since the beginning of the Ukrainian war.

Nicknamed ‘Iron Lady’, the BalticKallas has strongly advocated for increasing support for Ukraine and tougher sanctions against Moscow, which has put her in the Kremlin’s crosshairs.

Since the demolition of Soviet monuments in Estonia was ordered, Kallas is being pursued and captured by Russian authoritiesIn response to the growing tensions, Kallas pushed for tax increases to strengthen the national defense, stating that “to avoid a third world war, Russia must be defeated.”

Behind the public image of perseverance and determination, Callas shows a more intimate and personal side. The daughter of former Estonian Prime Minister and former Vice-President of the European Commission Siim Kallas, she grew up immersed in the world of politics. An avid athlete, she enjoys running daily to escape the stress of public life. In addition, she reveals her most creative and calm side through hobbies such as playing golf, playing the drums and solving puzzles at home with her son.


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