Carlos Alcaraz and Medvedev ‘face’ latest tennis controversy

After playing in the qualifiers last week, Wimbledon officially began this Monday with half of the first round matches.

So much Carlos Alcaraz How Daniil Medvedev They debuted with a victory. After the matches, at press conferences, they not only analyzed their debuts, but also discussed one of the most controversial topics in modern tennis.

Do Grand Slam matches consist of five sets or three, like in other tournaments? While the Murcians support longer matches, the Russians are in favor of shortening them.

On the one hand, Carlitos believes that he supports the show and especially him for his resistance: “Five sets. It’s harder to beat the big players in five rounds. “I look like a great player in the fifth set.”

“If I have to choose, I’d rather play five sets than three because I feel like I have a better chance of coming back in a five-set match.“If I see that I’m two sets to one or two sets to zero, I feel like I have more time to come back,” he added.

Medvedev, on the contrary, believes that this is excessive physical strain: “I think that playing 5 sets is much harder on the body, so you can get more injuries“.

In addition, he believes that in most parties reduce the audience: “From what I’ve heard from a lot of people on TV, it’s okay if you have a crazy five-set match, that’s great because it’s going to go down in history. But if it’s a match that’s already in the fourth set with ups and downs and it’s going to last 3 1/2 hours, I think a lot of people stop watching it and come and go from time to time.

“Despite all these small details, I would agree to play three sets“, – the Muscovite decided. At the moment, they are not going to change the formula of the “majors”.

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