Science assures that this is the exact number of eggs you should eat per week: no more, no less.

Eggs are one of the most consumed foods in Spain, but how many eggs can you eat per day? And in a week? Such simple and healthy food raises many doubts. and they are beset by false and poorly founded theories. Finally, scientific research makes it clear Is eating eggs every day good or bad for your health?

Spanish Heart Foundation It is quite clear: the egg “has very good quality proteins and high biological value. It also contains vitamins of groups A and B. Finally, contains minerals, among which iron stands out, whose animal origin makes it easy to digest.”

Is eating eggs every day healthy?

This is probably not the first time you’ve heard this. Eating eggs every day is harmful. The reason, according to proponents of this theory, is that it “increases bad cholesterol levels.” But Nothing could be further from reality: Scientists have found that this is not harmful at all, but quite the opposite: Eating one egg a day helps maintain cardiovascular health (especially if eaten cooked or grilled).

Investigation “American Journal of Medicine” showed that food an egg a day It has many positive health properties. Knowing this, we can confirm that eating an egg a day is not only good, but it is highly recommended.

In any case, it’s ideal eat a varied and balanced diet where all food groups are present. The correct diet guarantees excellent physical and mental health.

Include eggs in your diet in a healthy way

To make eating eggs as beneficial as possible, We must do this in a way that does not add a lot of calories to our plate: For example, eggs fried with a lot of oil have calories that can be counterproductive to our goals. However, eggs are fortunately one of the most versatile foods that exist and can be consumed in countless ways.

But, according to experts, the healthiest ways to add eggs to our daily diet These are: boil, boil, bake, grill and stir. Also, it is especially important to take care of the side dish we accompany it with: for example, French fries and bacon are a bad option.

How to preserve an egg?

Despite everything, eggs are among the products that require the greatest care when stored: for example, It is very important to throw away any item with a broken or cracked shell. because it could come into contact with the external environment. In addition, they should always be kept in the refrigerator and not washed before storage: because the shell is permeable and bacteria can penetrate it.

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