Debt discovery: Aunt Laudelina transferred to Ezeiza prison and Justice warns of “public uproar” generated by the case

Laudelina Pena, Lon’s aunt

Laudelina Pena -Lone’s aunt was taken into custody in the last few hours after she confessed that she had conspired to rob the minor to obstruct the investigation- was transferred this Saturday Ezeiza in prison by order of judicial authorities. It allegations of theft and concealment of the boy who disappeared in Corrientes more than three weeks ago. However, to ensure your safety “Public uproar” from which the case arose, the Justice ordered a series of Special measures around this.

According to investigation sources, Infobae, One of the exceptions granted to the seventh defendant in the case — who will be housed at Federal Penitentiary Complex No. 4 for Women — is likely to be maintained Fluid communication with your children “through technological means”. This authority was given after his request to be kept in a prison nearby was rejected Vulnerability status Where are the minors since their arrest?

The thing is that apart from their mother, these boys do not even have their father. Antonio Benitez, Who has also been detained in connection with the disappearance of Lone. The man was one of the first four suspects arrested during the investigation. He is accused of Primary Partners along with the crime Monica del Carmen Milpi And Daniel “Fierito” Ramirez.

According to what the sources indicated, the minors were left in the care of Macarena, Laudelina’s eldest daughter. In addition, it was also authorized that Peña’s family has Permanent police custody And strengthen your security at home”Worsening of social protest“. They want to avoid any possible aggression against the woman’s family.

Federal police guard the home of Laudelina Peña

Concern arose when a group of people gathered in front of the federal court this Friday as soon as they learned that Judge Cristina Pozar Penzo was investigating him along with his lawyer, José Codazzi. “How are you going to do that to your own nephew?” They shouted at him.

The neighbors had been angry for some time. A handful of people had shouted insults against Laudelina all afternoon for the child’s disappearance. Later, when the concentration began to move from the door of the courthouse towards the Goiás federal prosecutor’s office, which was in charge of Mariano de Guzmanthat small group did not move. He kept shouting against the child’s aunt who was about to be transferred.

According to information about the process, Laudelina was transported to Buenos Aires in the back seat of a Federal Police Ford Ranger truck guarded by two officers. The vehicle left in the morning and is estimated to arrive at the Ezeiza women’s prison in the middle of the afternoon this Saturday. There she will be locked in an individual cell to serve her preventive detention. According to what this media learned, behind the car in which she is traveling is another patrol car (Ford Focus) of the same security force.

Federal agents guarded the Goia courthouse last night as people marched for debt

However, Justice and the SPF did not require special care for Pena’s transfer, such as the protection of physical integrity, a protocol that applies to high-profile detainees who may create conflict situations by their presence.

Thus, Laudelina will enter a prison of the Federal Penitentiary Service, a thousand kilometers away from her husband, Bernardino Ramírez, who is locked up in Unit No. 7 of the Resistance, Chaco, a prison that has within its walls the kidnapper and underworld boss Cesar Morán de la Cruz, drug boss of Villa 31.

Pena arrived at the Cristina Pozar Penzo federal courthouse yesterday at 1:40 p.m. accompanied by his lawyer, José Codazzi. He freely and voluntarily answered the more than 60 questions put to him.

When was the consultation done Location of the body of the loanIf he is really dead, as Laudelina said a week ago He claimed not to know,

He then assured that he believed his nephew was alive, when a week earlier he announced that the main detainee in the case, Carlos Pérez, He ran over her with his Ford Ranger and killed her. She even told a prosecutor from the Corrientes Justice Department that María Victoria Callava had threatened her to keep quiet.

The prosecutors in the case, Mariano de Guzman, Alejandra Mangano and Marcelo Colombo, He had asked her to stop a few days ago, Since they suspected that, in fact, Laudelina had hidden Lone’s loot in the Algarrobal area to thwart the search. After more than 10 hours of testimony, she was imprisoned and spent the night at the headquarters of the federal DUOF, located near the prosecutor’s office.

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