How long will it be open this Monday, July 8th?

See what price the official euro and the blue euro are trading at.

What price are the official euro and the blue euro trading at this Monday, July 8th?

What price are the official euro and the blue euro trading at this Monday, July 8th?


He euro today -without taxes- quotes on $970.00 for purchase and $1030.00 for sale, judging by National Bank.

As for the price on the black currency market, it is quoted $1402.00 for purchase and $1,435.00 for sale, according to the caves surveyed Volume.

Countries using the European currency The currencies are: Germany, Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Slovakia, Slovenia, Estonia, Spain, Finland, France, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands and Portugal.

What is the official dollar rate today, Monday, July 8?

On the official stock market wholesale dollar by 50 cents to $918.50 per unit.

The price of the future dollar is being traded today, Monday, July 8.

In the contracts of the city. future dollarquote for purposes July falls by 0.1% to $942.50, To August gives 0.1% to $980.50 and to September shows a decrease of 0.1% to $1027. For the end of the year decreases by 0.4% to $1,195.

At the price of the dollar, MVP is traded today, Monday, July 8

He European Parliament dollar quotes on 1414.72 US dollars, thus the gap with the official figure reached 54.03%.

CCL Dollar Value Today, Monday, July 8

He dollar Cash on delivery (SSL) is sold at the address $1,405.95 USD And spreading the officials had 53.07%.

Dollar card price today, Monday, July 8

He dollar card or tourist cardAnd dollar savings (or in solidarity) scale up to $1,498.40 USD.

Cryptodollar quote today, Monday, July 8

He cryptodollar or Bitcoin Dollar works in $1,409.81 USDin accordance with Bitso.

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