What kind of trace does tobacco leave in your mouth?

Close connection between smoking And Oral health makes it necessary to take action therapeutic measuresopening up a multitude of opportunities for prevention“For this reason, a dental consultation can be a driving force in changing smoking habits and preventing tobacco use in all its forms,” the specialist emphasizes. Regina Izquierdotook part in Congress of Periodontology and Oral Health (SEPA Bilbao’24) recently celebrated.

What kind of trace does tobacco leave in your mouth?

The most serious disease associated with tobacco use is He Oral cancer: In 90% of cases, the patient is or was a smoker.; If tobacco is combined with alcoholthe risk is multiplied by thirteen. The problem with this cancer is that it late diagnosisbecause it is usually located in inaccessible areas and the patient, moreover, does not attach any importance to it. Once the diagnosis is made, it is already too late. survival rate is low.

What are the most common oral diseases among smokers?

periodontitisa purulent disease, as the people used to say, which, if not diagnosed and treated in time, can lead to tooth loss and a significant reduction in people’s quality of life. No one will die from this directly, although it has already happened. Direct relation with other diseases such as diabetes. Periodontitis is common among smokers and progresses rapidly, and since tobacco masks the disease, the patient does not experience bleeding, and when admitted for consultation many lost teeth.

Tooth decay, bad breath, risk of infections… Do you have other problems?

Indeed, tobacco consumption is associated with increased dryness in the mouthwhich may increase the risk of suffering cavitiesis getting worse bad breath and increases the risk of other occurrences infections (like candidiasis). It is not counting on deterioration of aesthetic appearance: more stains appear on teeth and restorations, and more wrinkles around the lips and deterioration of the skin condition on the face.

Smoking cigarette, in image file. Josu Chavarri Herralde

Does dental treatment work the same for smokers?

In the smoker resultmany of ours treatmentespecially those related to tissue regeneration surgeries or dental implants. less predictable and may even be contraindicated, Evolution is worse and more teeth and implants are lost in the end.. In many treatments that are very sensitive to tobacco exposure, I consider not doing them because I want them to be successful and for my patients to be satisfied. When I see this it will be impossible I’m telling you because I don’t want to give you false expectationsIt really irritates me and I tell them that they must stop smoking for the treatment to go well.

Do your consultations pave the way for smoking prevention?

When I notice that a patient smokes, even though he has put on perfume and doesn’t smell, I talk to him about it. tobacco risksI inform you about the huge benefits that can be gained by giving up this bad habit: more health, saving time, money, looking better, and protecting the environment and our surroundings; Young people tend to be more sensitive to the problem of climate change.

Cigarette butt in ashtray, in image file. Josu Chavarri Herralde

Do you pay attention to early detection?

Ideally, young people should not start using tobacco. nor from other nicotine delivery devices such as vapers, e-cigarettes and others. false sense of security and the idea reduced risk lead to a sharp increase in their consumption, but not only do they not help to quit smoking, but they are also Entrance door for consumption regular tobaccoIt is very important to denormalize this behavior (smoking is not normal). to raise awareness and education of the population and institutions about this problem.

Are the professionals as involved in the process as you are?

Many people don’t do this because they think it is waste of timethey think that it is not profitable, that there will be no benefit from it; but the feeling that I see is that People really appreciate all these health tips. that otherwise they wouldn’t have access because there are many people who think they are healthy and don’t go to the doctor. I advise many of my patients to exercise, eat well, quit smoking, manage stress, do meditation or yoga; they really appreciate it. This is a new approach..

Is the traditional prototype of a dentist who only cared about teeth obsolete?

We are developing and moving towards holistic conceptWe see the patient as a whole and care for him. general health. A lot of chronic diseases Non-communicable diseases such as diabetes, hypertension or obesity are all linked to the oral cavity. This is the kind of comprehensive vision of patient health that we are trying to implement in clinics; It is expensive because it is future project. From Spanish Society of Periodontology (SEPA) has been working in for many years prevention and promotion of oral and systemic health. And for this we already have in stock protocol For To give up smoking in the dentist’s office.

A man smokes on a terrace in an archive photo. Eduardo Parra

Who is the protocol intended for?

All Government Dentists and Hygienists; more participation is needed. Therefore, we will publish soon new recommendations simpler and easier to implement, which will also include new ways of smoking and which are currently among the The biggest threat to the health of the little ones. WHO continues to state that effective treatments for smoking cessation include: psychological and pharmacological supportDon’t let the tobacco companies that do good by selling us these devices sell you out. It’s a lie. They’ll hook you somehow..

Is SEPA working in unison with other scientific societies to stop smoking?

Dentists, pulmonologists, pharmacists, PC doctors… we all have to do it collaboration prevent young people from smoking; Is it true that traditional tobacco is slightly reducedBut new methods of steam generation They grow dangerously.


Regina Izquierdo is a graduate of odontology To Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry of Valenciaand Associate Professor of Periodontology and Master of Periodontology and Implantology at the same faculty. She is a specialist member Spanish Society of Periodontology and Osseointegration (SEPA). He has an exclusive private practice in periodontology and implantology in Gandia. He is also a member SEPA Board of Directors.

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