If you are from Banco Santander, there is a phishing campaign going on that you should be aware of.

09.07.2024 at 14:08


When we talk about phishing, we mean a type of crime that aims to impersonate a person or company to take advantage of the trust placed in them by a user in order to steal personal information and money.

This form of cybercrime is becoming increasingly common, so many banking institutions have started to run campaigns to alert their users so that they can prepare.

The last one to do this Santander Banka bank that has started sending emails to all of its customers to alert them to a new phishing scam that has reached their ears. The cybercriminal sends a text message or email about an apparent “loan cancellation“which does not exist, it is a scam that we should not fall into in order to keep all our money safe.

In the above message, the criminal claims that the bank tried unsuccessfully to contact the victim, adding that “We urgently inform you that you were given an incorrect loan today.” for a specific amount. The most amazing thing is that the conversation he shared Santander BankFor example, it is quite complete, as if the sender knew a lot of information about the person who could fall into the trap.

Recommendation Santander Bank The thing is let’s not reply to this message And let’s block the number immediatelywhether it’s a WhatsApp conversation or a text message. Access your official banking app and check your recent movements to analyze if there is any unusual activity..

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