Two-meter Roman statue found intact in a Bulgarian sewer

A two-meter Roman statue has been found completely intact in a sewer in Bulgarianews telecinco

a group of archaeologist has been found a roman statue two meters high, completely unbroken and in horizontal position In the sewers of an ancient city Heraclea SinticaIn BulgariaAs told in the video by Nacho Soriano.

Archaeologists found it while carrying out excavation work in the Cloaca Maxima area. It is a Roman statue made of marble representing the Greek god Hermes and has now been reborn.

The piece is very well preserved head in perfect condition And, yes, covered with earth. So it has remained practically intact over the years.

“We had the opportunity to see it and what makes me even more happy is that its head is preserved in very good condition,” says Ludmil Vagalinski, one of the archaeologists. According to experts, the statue dates back to the period From the 2nd century AD and could be deposited in Drain of the city after 200 years, perhaps, protect it from earthquake,

Another hypothesis suggests that it was It was hidden to keep it safe from Christians who destroyed the pagan idols. Fortunately, that beautiful image has survived to this day.

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