Dengue vaccination plan: Which provinces will start in August

The quadrivalent dengue vaccine provides protection against four serotypes of the virus (Illustrative image from Infobae)

The National Ministry of Health announced this. start of vaccination against dengue, with strategy focused on endemic areas and in accordance with the epidemiological situation determined in accordance with recommendations of the National Commission on Immunization (CoNaIn).

The campaign will start in AugustAs the Minister of Quality of Health of the Nation reported, Leonardo Bussoat a meeting held yesterday with representatives of the various provincial health portfolios of the NOA and NEA regions. During the meeting, the prevention, control and vaccination activities that will begin in August under the program were discussed Comprehensive Dengue Control Plan 2024–2025.

As the Minister of Health expected, Mario Russo, this Saturday at Infobae the goal is to start vaccination in the age group from 15 to 19 years old. This stage includes regions of Northwest (NOA) and Northeast Argentina (NEA)consisting of provinces Catamarca, Chaco, Corrientes, La Rioja, Misiones, Salta, Santiago del Estero and Tucuman..

Dengue Prevention Campaign – Ministry of Health of Argentina

Argentinalike other Latin American countries, it passes through A historic outbreak of dengue fever cases has infected a total of 531,617 people. in the 2023/2024 season. The cumulative incidence of dengue in the country until January 26, 2024 is 1,129 cases per hundred thousand inhabitants.

Dengue is transmitted through a bite. Aedes aegypti mosquitowhich can also transmit the Zika virus and chikungunya. This mosquito feeds on the blood of an infected person and then transmits the disease by biting another person. Transmission of the infection does not occur from person to person, through objects or breast milk, but exclusively through the bites of infected mosquitoes.

“The Ministry of Health of the Nation will create dosage distribution recommendations, identifying the most affected departments historically by disease and guided by targeted vaccination strategies based on risk criteria“: epidemiological, geographical, socio-economic and effective access to health services,” the national authorities indicated.

«Together with OPS and CoNaIn, we offer a comprehensive plan consisting of several stages.“,” said Busso, explaining that the goal is to “start vaccination in the 15- to 19-year-old age group – in line with CoNaIn recommendations – in the provinces that have not yet started it, and to see how progress is made in those provinces that have started to adapt us to everyone’s plan.”

Dengue is a febrile disease that affects infants, children, and adults, with symptoms ranging from mild fever to incapacitating high fever, with severe headache, pain behind the eyes, muscle and joint pain, and rash (Infobae image).

The official said the volume Comprehensive plan to combat dengue fever which will start in a coordinated manner in August and “will focus on communication and prevention, which are the most important strategies, and will also work hard on clinical guidelines and ensure that people arrive for early consultation.” As part of the preventive measures against dengue, the Ministry of Health of the Nation launched a communication campaign today through social media, available on Instagram, Facebook, YouTube and X.

As reported by Infobae, the vaccine available in Argentina and approved by ANMAT in 2023 is the vaccine Kdenga® from Takeda Laboratories, which in clinical studies showed an 84% reduction in hospitalizations and a 61% reduction in symptomatic cases after two doses.

This is a vaccine tetravalent, what is introduced into two doses 0.5 ml, which must be applied using interval 3 months. Provides protection against four dengue serotypes and is intended for over 4 years old (and no age limit), regardless of whether they have been infected. Contraindicated in pregnant women, nursing mothers and patients with weakened immune systems.

Argentina’s dengue vaccination strategy will focus on endemic regions (REUTERS/Pilar Olivares)

In May, national and provincial authorities decided to create workbench for defining care measures and an integrated approachThe importance of local vector control, early consultation, home monitoring of cases and preventive communication strategy were highlighted as important elements in dengue control.

At yesterday’s meeting with representatives of the NOA and the NEA, the following were present from Catamarca: Minister of Preventive Medicine and Health Promotion Silvia Bustos; from Chaco: Minister Sergio Rodríguez and Vice-Minister of Health and Disease Prevention Antonieta Caire; Corrientes, Director of Immunization Marina Cantero and Councilor Néstor Benítez; from La Rioja: Minister Juan Carlos Vergara and Head of Immunization Silvia De Donatis; from Misiones: Vice-Minister of Health Héctor Proesa; from Salta: Minister of Health Martín Moneris; from Santiago del Estero: Minister of Health César Monti; and from Tucumán: Director of Integrated Programs Elena Hurtado.

The National Portfolio was represented by the Head of the Advisory Cabinet, Ignacio Grosso; the Secretary of the Administration, Cecilia Locisano; and the Minister for Access and Equity in Health, Pablo Bertoldi.

Dengue is a disease that is transmitted by a vector, in this case the Aedes aegypti mosquito (Infobae image).

Dengue is characterized by a fever of 38°C or higher, accompanied by headache, pain behind the eyes, muscle and joint pain, nausea, vomiting, extreme fatigue, skin spots, itching, bleeding from the nose or gums. If you have a fever and any of these symptoms, it is extremely important to immediately go to the nearest health center for appropriate treatment.

It is extremely important not to self-medicate. Avoid using aspirin, ibuprofen, and injectable medications. Instead, go to a medical center where specialists will recommend the appropriate treatment. In addition, it is necessary to use repellents to prevent new mosquito bites.

The most effective prevention of dengue fever is to eliminate mosquito breeding sites, i.e. any containers or objects that can collect water. Unused containers such as cans, bottles and tires should be discarded. If these containers are used frequently, tanks, cisterns and tanks should be covered, buckets and barrels should be turned over and objects that can hold water should be emptied and cleaned regularly.

In addition, the water in animal drinking bowls and drain collectors should be changed every three days, wiping the walls of the containers from mosquito eggs. Fill vases and potholders with wet sand, keep yards and gardens clean and weeded, clean gutters and drains from roofs, pour boiling water into grates, and put a mosquito net on them.

Use repellents according to package directions, wear light clothing that covers your arms and legs, especially outdoors, install mosquito nets on doors and windows, and use fans or air conditioners if possible.

Protect cots and strollers with mosquito nets and use repellents such as tablets indoors and coils outdoors. Pregnant women should take special care.

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